
Android Mapping Application




Location-aware and mapping applications have gone from a desirable feature to an essentialpart of any smart phone. Whether a user is checking into a social network, looking for apharmacy in the middle of the night, or located in somewhere and needs help, the key is alwaysthe same: location.In this project, an Android mapping application is developed. The application is able to displaythe map of the whole world while online or, display a pre-downloaded map while offline, trackthe user’s location, display a compass to determine north, send the user’s location to others incase of emergency using SMS, receive and interpret received location from the message, displayit on the map, and notify the user by the reception of the location.The application was developed using agile methodology. It, met its objectives and successfullypassed 91% of the final system test, recording that some limitations were discovered, theapplication needs further testing and can be implemented for particular company or universityusing their own maps or editing the maps in OSM (open street maps).



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