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Special Symposium of Comparative Migration Studies




In recent years, asylum issues have become increasingly contentious in Western Europe and have been at the core of electoral campaigns in several EU Member States (Kaunert, 2009; 2010; Kaunert and Léonard, 2012). In several countries in the European Union (EU), populist or radical right-wing parties campaigning on an anti-immigration platform have achieved strong electoral scores, including the True Finns in Finland, the Freedom Party in Austria under Joerg Haider and, more recently, Heinz-Christian Strache, the National Front in France, the Northern League in Italy, the People’s Party in Denmark, as well as the Freedom Party under Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. As a result of the often salient character of asylum and migration during electoral campaigns, many states have seen frequent policy reforms in the area of asylum and migration. However, in most countries, strong rhetoric on migration matters is not exclusive to radical parties, but rather permeates the whole electoral debate. This can be seen in the promises made by politicians such as David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy to considerably reduce the number of migrants if elected, which they made during their electoral campaigns in 2010 and 2012 respectively. Thus, European governments widely see migration as a challenge and their migration policies in need of reform. In many cases, these national debates have been inexorably linked to reflections on (national) identity and – especially since 2009 – economic fears. Migration from outside the EU has become an ever more politicised area in domestic spheres which has shifted upwards to the European level and even outwards towards the external sphere (Lavenex, 2006).
机译:近年来,庇护问题在西欧变得越来越有争议,并已成为几个欧盟成员国选举活动的核心(Kaunert,2009; 2010; Kaunert和Léonard,2012)。在欧洲联盟(EU)的几个国家/地区,在反移民平台上竞选活动的民粹主义或激进右翼政党取得了不错的选举成绩,包括芬兰的True Finns,约尔·海德尔(Joerg Haider)领导的奥地利自由党,以及最近的,亨氏-克里斯蒂安·斯特拉奇,法国的国民阵线,意大利的北方同盟,丹麦的人民党以及荷兰的盖尔特·怀尔德斯下的自由党。由于在竞选期间庇护和移徙往往具有显着特征,许多州在庇护和移徙领域进行了频繁的政策改革。但是,在大多数国家中,关于移民问题的强烈言论并非激进政党独有,而是贯穿了整个选举辩论。从戴维·卡梅伦和尼古拉斯·萨科齐等政客做出的承诺中可以看出这一点,即他们分别在2010年和2012年的竞选活动中做出的大选将减少移民的数量。因此,欧洲各国政府普遍将移徙视为挑战,其移徙政策需要改革。在许多情况下,这些全国性辩论与对(民族)身份以及经济担忧的反思无可避免地联系在一起(尤其是自2009年以来)。从欧盟之外的移民已成为国内领域中一个更加政治化的领域,该领域已向上转移到欧洲,甚至向外转移到外部领域(Lavenex,2006年)。



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