首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Migration Studies >The Arab Spring and the Italian Response to Migration in 2011

The Arab Spring and the Italian Response to Migration in 2011




Abstract This paper seeks to unpack and explain the relationship between the emergency rhetoric used by Italian politicians and the policies implemented in Italy in response to the influx of irregular migrants from North Africa during 2011. It analyses how the language relates to the policies adopted and considers the impact on relations between Italy and the European Union (EU) in the area of migration. Accordingly, I address two main questions. How can we understand the emergency lexicon in relation to the policies adopted by Italy in response to irregular arrivals from North Africa in 2011? Secondly, what are the implications for EU-Italian engagement? In other words, how has the vehement and popularized emergency-centred debate in Italy affected interaction between Italy and the EU? To tackle these questions, the analysis is divided into five sections. The first section introduces the academic discussion on migration in Italy and focuses on three themes central to this paper: emergency, ambiguities in migration policies, and the EU as vincolo esterno (external constraint). The second section illustrates briefly the methodology employed and explains the selection of the case-study. Thirdly, I outline and examine the policies implemented by Italy between January and December 2011 and investigate the shifting language along the crisis-normality continuum. The fourth section turns to the international level and chronicles the relations between Italy and the European Union concerning irregular arrivals from North Africa. With regard to the latter, attention is given to the implications of the agreement between Tunisia and Italy. The domestic and international strands are brought together in the fifth section, which probes the reliance on discourses of emergency in the way that migration and asylum policies are presented vis-à-vis the European Union. Fear, I argue, remains a key factor in the shaping of ideas and policies across both the domestic and international domains. However, not all the policies adopted can be ascribed to the logic of fear alone, and indeed some actually run counter to the emergency rationale that shapes the wider political debate.
机译:摘要本文旨在阐明和解释意大利政客使用的紧急措辞与意大利为应对2011年北非非正规移民的涌入而实施的政策之间的关系。分析了该语言与所采用的政策的关系,并考虑了对意大利和欧洲联盟(EU)在移民领域关系的影响。因此,我要解决两个主要问题。我们如何理解与意大利为应对2011年北非非常规入境而采取的政策有关的紧急词汇?其次,对欧盟与意大利的接触有何影响?换句话说,在意大利的激烈讨论和以紧急情况为中心的辩论如何影响了意大利与欧盟之间的互动?为了解决这些问题,分析分为五个部分。第一部分介绍有关意大利移民问题的学术讨论,并重点关注本文的三个主题:紧急情况,移民政策含糊不清以及欧盟作为“ vincolo esterno”(外部约束)。第二部分简要说明了所采用的方法,并说明了案例研究的选择。第三,我概述并研究了意大利在2011年1月至2011年12月之间实施的政策,并研究了在危机常态性连续过程中不断变化的语言。第四部分转到国际层面,记述意大利和欧洲联盟之间有关北非非常规入境的关系。关于后者,着重注意突尼斯和意大利之间协定的影响。第五部分汇集了国内和国际方面的内容,探讨了对紧急情况话语的依赖,即针对欧盟提出了移民和庇护政策。我认为,恐惧仍然是影响国内外领域思想和政策形成的关键因素。但是,并非所有采用的政策都可以单独归因于恐惧的逻辑,实际上某些政策实际上与构成广泛政治辩论的紧急理由背道而驰。



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