首页> 外文期刊>College & Research Libraries >Sally Gardner Reed. The Good, the Great, and the Unfriendly: A Librarian’s Guide to Working with Friends Groups. Chicago: American Library Association, 2017. 157p. Paper, $57.00 (ISBN: 978-0838914984).

Sally Gardner Reed. The Good, the Great, and the Unfriendly: A Librarian’s Guide to Working with Friends Groups. Chicago: American Library Association, 2017. 157p. Paper, $57.00 (ISBN: 978-0838914984).

机译:萨莉·加德纳·里德(Sally Gardner Reed)。善良,伟大和不友好:图书馆员与朋友小组合作的指南。芝加哥:美国图书馆协会,2017年。157页。纸,$ 57.00(ISBN:978-0838914984)。



Librarians can be a discerning and, at times, impossible audience to please. We read widely and voraciously, in print and online, in every genre and format: books, blogs, newspapers, social media posts, Sunday flyers, you name it. Librarians also claim a sort of superpower that authorizes us to distinguish between appropriate formats. We might agree that, in most cases, an online search delivers decent and convenient information. Despite that, most librarians still maintain an awareness (and appreciation) of print-only sources for instruction, research, and professional guidance. For those of us working with rural or elderly populations, in communities with an abundance of low and moderate income households, or in deeply academic and historical fields, print sources might win the day. Books written for librarians then, particularly guides and manuals, walk a precarious path. In this day and age, does a narrowly focused manual need to exist in print? Especially one aimed at an expert audience with deep familiarity of the competing online sources? Sally Gardner Reed’s slim book, The Good, the Great, and the Unfriendly: A Librarian’s Guide to Working with Friends Groups is well aware of these hazards and works hard to present current information to a shrewd audience who knows whether to Google a solution or to look for one in the pages of a book.
机译:图书馆员可以是一个敏锐的听众,有时听不见。我们以各种体裁和格式在印刷和在线上广泛广泛地阅读:书籍,博客,报纸,社交媒体帖子,周日传单,随便你怎么说。图书馆员还声称拥有一种超能力,可以授权我们区分适当的格式。我们可能会同意,在大多数情况下,在线搜索可以提供体面且便捷的信息。尽管如此,大多数图书馆员仍保持着对纯印刷资源的了解(和欣赏),以用于指导,研究和专业指导。对于我们这些与农村或老年人口一起工作的人,在拥有大量中低收入家庭的社区中或在学术和历史悠久的领域中,印刷资料可能会赢得成功。然后,为图书馆员编写的书籍,尤其是指南和手册,走的是危险的道路。在当今的时代,是否需要在印刷本中集中关注的手册?尤其是针对那些对竞争性在线资源有深入了解的专家观众吗?莎莉·加德纳·里德(Sally Gardner Reed)的瘦身书《善良,伟大和不友好:图书馆员与朋友团体的合作指南》充分意识到了这些危害,并努力向精明的受众群体介绍当前信息,这些受众知道该使用Google解决方案还是在书页中寻找一个。



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