首页> 外文期刊>College & Research Libraries >Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts. Samantha Godbey, Susan Beth Wainscott, and Xan Goodman, eds., for the Association of Research Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 2017. 368p. Paper, $72.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8970-8).

Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts. Samantha Godbey, Susan Beth Wainscott, and Xan Goodman, eds., for the Association of Research Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 2017. 368p. Paper, $72.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8970-8).

机译:信息素养阈值概念的学科应用。萨曼莎·戈德比(Samantha Godbey),苏珊·贝丝·温斯考特(Susan Beth Wainscott)和桑·古德曼(Xan Goodman)编辑,研究图书馆协会。芝加哥:美国图书馆协会,2017年。368页。纸,$ 72.00(ISBN 978-0-8389-8970-8)。



Approaches to student learning and information literacy continue to evolve. Threshold concepts in information literacy (IL) are a relatively new way of critically considering the learning that students do. The editors note in their introduction that “threshold concepts are currently defined by the following characteristics: transformative, integrative, irreversible, bounded, and troublesome” and include a discussion of what each defining characteristic means. The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, introduced in 2015, is based in part on the idea of threshold concepts, and each frame was developed with threshold concepts in mind. The discussion of what constitutes an information literacy threshold concept has been an important part of a larger conversation of how to approach the use of the ACRL Framework. This book strives to address some of the questions surrounding information literacy threshold concepts within specific disciplines with the ultimate goal of improving student-learning experiences in impactful ways.
机译:学生学习和信息素养的方法不断发展。信息素养(IL)中的阈值概念是一种批判性地考虑学生所学知识的相对较新的方法。编辑在引言中指出:“阈值概念当前由以下特征定义:变革性,综合性,不可逆性,有界和麻烦性”,并讨论了每个定义性特征的含义。 2015年推出的ACRL高等教育信息素养框架部分基于阈值概念,每个框架在制定时都考虑了阈值概念。关于什么构成信息素养阈值概念的讨论一直是关于如何使用ACRL框架的更广泛讨论的重要部分。本书致力于解决特定学科中有关信息素养阈值概念的一些问题,其最终目标是以有效的方式改善学生的学习体验。



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