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Total quality model for aligning organization strategy, improving performance, and improving customer satisfaction by using an approach based on combination of balanced scorecard and lean six sigma

机译:通过使用基于平衡计分卡和精益6 Sigma组合的方法来调整组织战略,改善绩效和提高客户满意度的总体质量模型



Considering the importance of the service quality and the position of banks in the global and national economy, the main objective of this study was to design a total quality model in Qavamin Bank to align the organization’s strategies, improve performance, and improve customer satisfaction. In the first step, after reviewing various groups of the Qavamin Bank processes, accounting processes were selected by the managers of the bank as sample processes. Then, using the six dimensions of the balanced scorecard, some indicators were defined for selecting the strategic process. After collecting data of indicators using cross-efficiency model in data envelopment analysis, “replacing the customer account book” was selected as the strategic process. In the next step, using the five phases of the DMAIC cycle in the lean six sigma methodology, the sigma level of the process was measured. After implementing the six sigma methodology, the process sigma level was increased from 2.84 to 2.88 and the average process time was reduced from 3 to 2?min and 40?s. The results showed the successful design and implementation of the total quality model in Ghavamin Bank for the process of “replacing the customer’s account book”. Finally, to measure the level of realization of the designed model’s objectives, the research hypotheses were tested using one-sample t -test. The results of the hypothesis test showed that all three objectives of the total quality model were met.
机译:考虑到服务质量的重要性以及银行在全球和国民经济中的地位,本研究的主要目的是在Qavamin Bank中设计一个总体质量模型,以调整组织的策略,提高绩效并提高客户满意度。第一步,在检查了Qavamin银行流程的各个组之后,银行的经理选择了会计流程作为样本流程。然后,使用平衡计分卡的六个维度,为选择战略流程定义了一些指标。在数据包络分析中使用交叉效率模型收集指标数据后,选择“替换客户帐簿”作为战略流程。下一步,使用稀薄六西格玛方法中的DMAIC循环的五个阶段,测量过程的西格玛水平。实施六西格玛方法后,过程西格玛级别从2.84提高到2.88,平均过程时间从3smin减少到2?min和40?s。结果表明,在“替换客户的账簿”过程中,Ghavamin银行成功设计并实施了总体质量模型。最后,为了衡量设计模型目标的实现水平,使用单样本 t检验对研究假设进行了检验。假设检验的结果表明,总体质量模型的所有三个目标均已实现。



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