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Teaching journalism ethics: Constructing model for teaching journalism ethics on the basis of local wisdom to create peace journalism




AbstractEthics or morale is becoming a serious matter in journalism practices in Indonesia lately. The increase in ethical offences done by Indonesian journalists is the symptom of the delicate morale conduct among Indonesian Journalists. This is an indication that Indonesia journalism education faces a serious problem. Through experimental method, this study was trying to construct and examine a teaching model enabling students to have better understanding about journalism ethics and to explore moral obligation on the basis of local wisdom so that they have wider ethical reasoning to explore moral obligation. This study concludes that sequential order of teaching materials/content plays very important role in the success of the method. The use of Javaness phrases significantly improves the students’ understanding about morale reasoning and its application in journalistic practices.
机译:摘要伦理或士气最近在印尼新闻界变得越来越重要。印尼记者犯下的道德违法行为增加,是印尼记者士气低落的表现。这表明印尼新闻教育面临严重问题。通过实验方法,本研究试图构建和检验一种教学模型,使学生能够更好地了解新闻道德,并在当地智慧的基础上探索道德义务,从而使他们有更广泛的道德推理来探索道德义务。本研究的结论是,教材/内容的顺序对方法的成功起着非常重要的作用。 Javaness短语的使用大大提高了学生对士气推理及其在新闻实践中的应用的理解。



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