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Teaching literary journalism: Journalism fermented with life experience: theory into practice in a literary journalism classroom




Teaching literary journalism involves exploring with students a diverse set of, masterly examples of Literary Journalism, from ‘standard’ long-form feature articles by acclaimed writers to multi-media pieces such as the Guardian’s Firestorm about a family who survived a horrific wildfire, to beautifully crafted audio works like Children of Sodom and Gomorrah, a 50-minute audio feature about e-waste, exploitation, and African child asylum seekers. Ground-breaking long-form television series, such as The Wire, which though fictional, was anchored in years of meticulous journalistic research by writer David Simon into Baltimore’s social, cultural and political circumstances, brings another perspective to the genre. Then from analyzing texts workshops shift to the craft of writing: immersion, in-depth interviewing, ‘aerobic listening,’ finding structure, ‘chaptering’, capturing dialogue, using fresh, descriptive language, setting out a scene to reveal character or advance plot. This article describes the experience of teaching literary journalism and the ways a group of students put literary journalism theory into practice.
机译:教授文学新闻学涉及与学生一起探讨文学新闻学的各种大师作品,包括知名作家撰写的“标准”长篇长篇文章,以及诸如《卫报》的《暴风雪》中有关一个幸免于野火的家庭的多媒体文章,以及制作精美的音频作品,例如《多玛之子》和《 Gomorrah》,这是一部长达50分钟的音频功能,讲述电子废物,剥削和非洲儿童寻求庇护者。具有开创性的长篇电视连续剧(例如《 The Wire》)虽然虚构,但在作家戴维·西蒙(David Simon)多年的认真新闻研究中扎根于巴尔的摩的社会,文化和政治环境,为该类型带来了另一种观点。然后,从分析文本转变为写作技巧:沉浸式,深入访谈,“有氧听”,寻找结构,“章节”,捕捉对话,使用新鲜的描述性语言,展示场景以揭示人物或预谋故事。本文介绍了文学新闻学的教学经验以及一群学生将文学新闻理论付诸实践的方式。



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