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To read or not to read? Identifying communication patterns in three cancer-related Facebook pages




In recent years, social media have become a popular tool for health communication. Healthcare professionals in many areas already take advantage of such media to communicate important messages to their audiences. Facebook pages are widely used for this purpose. This study analyzes three Brazilian Facebook pages related to cancer. The objective of this work is to explore whether there are communication patterns that generate greater public engagement. The pages selected for this study are the following: Quimioterapia e Beleza (Chemotherapy & Beauty), Funda??o do Cancer (Brazilian Cancer Foundation) and Cabelegria (Hair and Happiness). We collected posts on these three pages over a period of six months, totaling 1,243 posts. Content analysis was used to classify the posts into categories. The categories that generated the greatest engagement were “testimonies”, “solidarity” and “anniversaries”. In two out of the three analyzed Facebook pages, those categories were not the most frequent; the potential of each page was underutilized. This result shows the importance of analyses that help health professionals to use social media to communicate effectively about prevention, risk factors, healthy living and early diagnosis, among other topics.
机译:近年来,社交媒体已成为健康交流的流行工具。许多领域的医疗保健专业人员已经利用这种媒体向其受众传达重要信息。 Facebook页面广泛用于此目的。这项研究分析了与癌症有关的三个巴西Facebook页面。这项工作的目的是探讨是否存在可以促进公众参与的沟通方式。本研究选择的页面如下: Quimioterapia e Beleza(化学疗法和美容), Funda ?? o do Cancer(巴西癌症基金会)和 Cabelegria(头发和幸福)。我们在六个月的时间内在这三页上收集了帖子,总计1,243个帖子。内容分析用于将帖子分类。参与度最高的类别是“见证”,“团结”和“周年纪念”。在三个分析过的Facebook页面中,有两个不是最频繁的类别。每页的潜力未得到充分利用。该结果表明了分析的重要性,这些分析有助于卫生专业人员使用社交媒体有效地交流有关预防,风险因素,健康生活和早期诊断等方面的信息。



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