首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience >Effect of Scopolamine Butylbromide on Clozapine-induced Hypersalivation in Schizophrenic Patients: A Case Series

Effect of Scopolamine Butylbromide on Clozapine-induced Hypersalivation in Schizophrenic Patients: A Case Series




Clozapine has been demonstrated to be useful for treating refractory schizophrenia. However, hypersalivation occurs in 31.0–97.4% of the patients treated with clozapine. Accordingly, some patients who are disturbed by their hypersalivation refuse to continue with clozapine treatment. This study investigated the efficacy of the anticholinergic agent scopolamine butylbromide against clozapine-induced hypersalivation. Five schizophrenia patients were coadministered scopolamine butylbromide (30–60 mg/day) for 4 weeks. At the baseline and after 4 weeks’ treatment, we subjectively evaluated hypersalivation using a visual analog scale and objectively assessed it using the Drooling Severity Scale and Drooling Frequency Scale. As a result, improvements in the patients’ Drooling Severity Scale and Drooling Frequency Scale scores, but no improvements in their visual analog scale scores, were observed after scopolamine butylbromide treatment. These results indicate that at least some schizophrenic patients with clozapine-induced hypersalivation would benefit from scopolamine butylbromide treatment. We conclude that clozapine-induced hypersalivation is one factor of stress to patients. Subjective hypersalivation was not improved, but objective hypersalivation was, by scopolamine butylbromide treatment. However, scopolamine butylbromide and clozapine possess anticholinergic effects so clinicians should closely monitor patients who take scopolamine butylbromide.
机译:氯氮平已被证明可用于治疗难治性精神分裂症。但是,在接受氯氮平治疗的患者中,有31.0%至97.4%的患者出现唾液分泌过多。因此,一些因唾液分泌过多而困扰的患者拒绝继续接受氯氮平治疗。这项研究调查了抗胆碱能药物东pol碱丁基溴化物对氯氮平诱导的过度唾液分泌的功效。五名精神分裂症患者同时服用东pol碱丁基溴化物(30-60 mg /天),持续4周。在基线和治疗4周后,我们使用视觉模拟量表主观评估了过度流涎,并使用“流口水严重程度量表”和“流口水频率量表”客观地评估了流涎过多。结果,东pol碱丁基溴化物治疗后,患者的口水严重度量表和口水频率量表得分均得到改善,但视觉模拟量表得分却未见改善。这些结果表明,至少一些患有氯氮平诱导的唾液分泌过多的精神分裂症患者将从东pol碱丁基溴化物的治疗中受益。我们得出的结论是,氯氮平引起的过度唾液分泌是患者承受压力的因素之一。东碱丁基溴化物治疗可改善主观过度唾液分泌,但客观过度唾液分泌则得以改善。然而,东pol碱丁基溴化物和氯氮平具有抗胆碱作用,因此临床医生应密切监测服用东pol碱丁基溴化物的患者。



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