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Navigating in multi-level buildings: the effect of rotation




Abstract Background The existence of the complexity in layout and physical parameters are still under investigation in urban architecture in cognitive science. Current research seems to pay more attention to wayfinding in two-dimensional environments investigating it in public buildings such as hospitals, airports or university departments, where it is more common to experience disorientation. Also, the presence of turning walks or staircases undermines the users’ cognitive map. As a consequence, the sense of disorientation would depend on various factors such as the number of ramps, their location and orientation with respect to the building’s main fa?ade. Methods We carry out two case studies: the first one is a qualitative experiment at the University of Bremen; the second one is a quantitative analysis at the Technical University of Bari. In both studies we select a random sample in which respondents perform a series of tests. . Participants are not familiar with the building in which the experiment is conducted but have some knowledge with the surrounding environment. Results Main results suggest the importance of building layouts as an important element affecting human cognitive map in wayfinding. They seem to support the hypothesis that the direction of stairs plays an important role on the disorientation when navigating complex three-dimensional environments. Conclusions This paper is an attempt to understand how the location of staircases affects disorientation and how this aspect, in turn, affects knowledge acquisition for wayfinding. These findings, coming from experimentations in indoor environments, seem to evoke a peculiar extension to outdoor environments, too. There is fair interest toward convenient investigation for outdoor integration and/or generalization. An intriguing future perspective for the present research would be the extension to the urban level of spatial cognition.
机译:摘要背景认知科学中仍在研究布局和物理参数的复杂性。当前的研究似乎更加关注二维环境中的寻路,在诸如医院,机场或大学部门等公共建筑中进行二维寻路,在这种情况下,人们常常会迷失方向。此外,转弯的人行道或楼梯的存在会破坏用户的认知图。因此,迷失方向取决于各种因素,例如坡道的数量,坡道的位置和相对于建筑物主立面的方位。方法我们进行了两个案例研究:第一个是不来梅大学的定性实验;第二个是定性实验。第二个是巴里技术大学的定量分析。在这两项研究中,我们都选择一个随机样本,让受访者进行一系列测试。 。参与者不熟悉进行实验的建筑物,但对周围的环境有所了解。结果主要结果表明,建筑布局的重要性是在寻路中影响人类认知地图的重要因素。他们似乎支持以下假设:在复杂的三维环境中导航时,楼梯的方向在迷失方向上起着重要作用。结论本文试图理解楼梯的位置如何影响迷失方向,以及这方面如何影响寻路的知识获取。这些发现来自室内环境的实验,似乎也引起了室外环境的特殊扩展。对于方便进行户外集成和/或泛化的调查,人们有相当大的兴趣。对于本研究而言,一个有趣的未来观点将是扩展到城市空间认知水平。



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