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Disquieting presences: the ambiguity and indeterminacy of Maurice Nio’s architecture

机译:令人不安的存在:莫里斯·尼奥(Maurice Nio)建筑的模棱两可和不确定性



Abstract Background In recent years, Dutch architect Maurice Nio has built an array of projects in the Netherlands, which have generally been considered within the spectrum of the Superdutch phenomenon, and more broadly, within Iconic Architecture. Seemingly, to his Dutch colleagues, Nio's work is on the track of liberating architecture from the burden of cultural responsibilities (Ibelings Supermodernism: Architecture in the age of globalization: Nai Uitgevers Pub, 1998), yet it evinces significant differences from other work in that vein. Methods Nio’s projects are compared with Jencks' phenomenology of iconic architecture (Jencks The iconic building: Rizzoli New York, 2005), in order to demonstrate the importance and peculiarity of Nio’s work within the context of Iconic Architecture and the Superdutch period, and the extent to which his work can be considered different. Results This article argues that Nio’s architecture is not based on the production of outstanding shapes (Lootsma SuperDutch Afterthoughts Post. Rotterdam. Rotterdam: 010 Publisher, 2001), or the clever interpretation of a given program (Betsky Reading MVRDV: NAi 2003), but on the creation of disquieting presences in the built environment. Most of his work consists of pieces of architecture each of which has its own name, character and identity and seems to rely on disrupting the expected and disturbing the quiet. Conclusions This paper examines Nio’s work, with particular attention to three case studies, in order to generate a series of qualitative characteristics that define his idiosyncratic architecture.
机译:摘要背景近年来,荷兰建筑师莫里斯·尼奥(Maurice Nio)在荷兰建立了一系列项目,这些项目通常被认为属于Superdutch现象的范畴,更广泛地被视为标志性建筑的范畴。在他的荷兰同事看来,Nio的工作正处于从文化责任的负担中解放建筑的轨道上(伊比林斯超现代主义:全球化时代的建筑:Nai Uitgevers Pub,1998年),但它与其他工作有明显的不同静脉。方法将Nio的项目与Jencks的标志性建筑现象进行比较(Jencks标志性建筑:Rizzoli New York,2005),以证明Nio的工作在标志性建筑和超级荷兰时期的背景下的重要性和特殊性,以及程度他的工作与之不同。结果本文认为Nio的体系结构不是基于出色形状的制作(Lootsma SuperDutch Afterthoughts Post。Rotterdam。Rotterdam:010 Publisher,2001),也不是对给定程序的巧妙解释(Betsky Reading MVRDV:NAi 2003),而是在构建的环境中创建令人不快的状态。他的大部分作品都由建筑结构组成,每个建筑都有自己的名称,特征和身份,似乎依赖于破坏预期和干扰安静。结论本文研究了Nio的作品,并特别关注了三个案例研究,以产生一系列定义其特有结构的定性特征。



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