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Estimativa de tamanho ótimo de parcela experimental para a cultura do taro




Taro is a tropical tuberous vegetable that produces cormels of high nutritional and energetic value. In recent years, its cultivation has expanded, creating the need for more research. However, the experimental plot size interferes directly with the precision of the experiment.Literature describes several methods for establishing the optimum experimental plot size. The objective of the current research was to estimate the optimal experimental plot size for taro culture, utilizing the Modified Maximum Curvature Method. The field experiment was conducted in the vegetable garden of the Departamentode Fitotecnia of Universidade Federal de Vi?osa, from September 2011 to June 2012, with Japanese taro. Twenty-two rows with 20 plants each were planted, at 1.0×0.3 m spacing, considering the 20 central rows with 18 plants each as useful area, totaling 360 plants. Each plant corresponded to a basic unit (BU). Once the possible clusters were made, 23 different plot sizes were formed. At harvest, the fresh mass characteristics of large, medium, and marketable cormels were evaluated. The optimum plot sizes were: 8.77 BU for marketable cormels; 14.75 BU for large cormels, and 13.37 BU for medium cormels. Among the plot sizes estimated in this study, the aim was to improve precision of experiments performed with taro, plots formed by 15 BU that corresponded to a 4.5 m 2 area are recommended.
机译:芋头是一种热带块茎蔬菜,可产生高营养和高价值的果肉。近年来,它的种植规模不断扩大,因此需要进行更多的研究。但是,实验地块的大小直接影响了实验的精度。文献描述了几种确定最佳实验地块大小的方法。当前研究的目的是利用改进的最大曲率法估算芋头培养的最佳实验样地大小。田间试验于2011年9月至2012年6月在日本维奥萨联邦大学Fitotecnia系的菜园里用日本芋头进行。将20行中央行(每行18株)作为有效面积,以1.0×0.3 m的间隔种植22行,每行20株。每个工厂对应一个基本单位(BU)。一旦建立了可能的集群,就形成了23种不同的地块大小。收获时,评估了大,中和可销售的Cormels的新鲜质量特征。最佳地块尺寸为:适销Cormels为8.77 BU;大型棒棒糖为14.75 BU,中等棒棒糖为13.37 BU。在这项研究中估计的样地大小中,目的是提高用芋头进行的实验的精度,建议使用15 BU形成的样地,该样地对应于4.5 m 2的面积。



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