首页> 外文期刊>Ciência Rural >Caracteriza??o de QTLs por tra?os de sementes sob o estresse de salinidade em trigo Hexaploid

Caracteriza??o de QTLs por tra?os de sementes sob o estresse de salinidade em trigo Hexaploid




Soil salinity limits agricultural production and is a major obstacle for increasing crop yield. Common wheat is one of the most important crops with allohexaploid characteristic and a highly complex genome. QTL mapping is a useful way to identify genes for quantitative traits such as salinity tolerance in hexaploid wheat. In the present study, a hydroponic trial was carried out to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with salinity tolerance of wheat under 150mM NaCl concentration using a recombinant inbred line population (Xiaoyan 54×Jing 411). Values of wheat seedling traits including maximum root length (MRL), root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), total dry weight (TDW) and the ratio of TDW of wheat plants between salt stress and control (TDWR) were evaluated or calculated. A total of 19QTLs for five traits were detected through composite interval mapping method by using QTL Cartographer version 2.5 under normal and salt stress conditions. These QTLs distributed on 12 chromosomes explained the percentage of phenotypic variation by individual QTL varying from 7.9% to 19.0%. Among them, 11 and six QTLs were detected under normal and salt stress conditions, respectively and two QTLs were detected for TDWR. Some salt tolerance related loci may be pleiotropic. Chromosome 1A, 3A and 7A may harbor crucial candidate genes associated with wheat salt tolerance. Our results would be helpful for the marker assisted selection to breed wheat varieties with improved salt tolerance.
机译:土壤盐分限制了农业生产,是增加农作物产量的主要障碍。普通小麦是具有异六倍体特征和高度复杂的基因组的最重要的农作物之一。 QTL作图法是鉴定定量性状基因(如六倍体小麦的耐盐性)的有用方法。在本研究中,进行了一项水培试验,以利用重组自交系群体(小yan54号荆411)鉴定与150mM NaCl浓度下的小麦耐盐性相关的数量性状位点(QTL)。盐胁迫与对照之间的小麦幼苗性状的值包括最大根长(MRL),根干重(RDW),枝干重(SDW),总干重(TDW)和TDW之比。评估或计算。在正常和盐胁迫条件下,使用QTL Cartographer 2.5版通过复合区间作图法检测到五个性状的19个QTL。这些分布在12条染色体上的QTL解释了单个QTL表型变异的百分比,范围从7.9%到19.0%。其中,在正常和盐胁迫条件下分别检测到11个和6个QTL,并且在TDWR中检测到2个QTL。一些与耐盐性有关的基因座可能是多效性的。染色体1A,3A和7A可能包含与小麦耐盐性相关的关键候选基因。我们的结果将有助于标记辅助选择育种提高耐盐性的小麦品种。



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