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Application of multivariate techniques in the evaluation of pure lines of beans




The objective of this study was to apply multivariate techniques, canonical discriminant analysis, and multivariate contrasts, indicating the most favorable inferences in the evaluation of pure lines of beans. The study was conducted at the experimental field of the Institute for Breeding and Molecular Genetics, in Lages, SC, Brazil. The experiment was composed of 24 pure lines of beans from the Santa Catarina test of cultivars. Plant height, numbers of pods and grains per plant, and stem diameter were the variables measured. The complete randomized block design was used with four replications. The data were subjected to multivariate analysis of variance, canonical discriminant analysis, multivariate contrasts and univariate contrasts. The first canonical discriminant function has captured 81% of the total variation in the data. The Scott-Knott test showed two groups of inbred lines at the average -of scores of the first canonical discriminant function. It was considered that testing hypotheses with the canonical scores may result in loss of information obtained from the original data. Multivariate contrasts indicated differences within the group formed by the Scott-Knott test. The canonical discriminant analysis and multivariate contrasts are excellent techniques to be combined in the multivariate assessment, being used to explore and test hypotheses, respectively.
机译:这项研究的目的是应用多变量技术,规范判别分析和多变量对比,从而表明在评估纯豆类中最有利的推论。该研究是在巴西南卡罗来纳州拉格市的繁殖与分子遗传学研究所的实验场上进行的。该实验由来自圣卡塔琳娜州品种的24个纯系豆组成。所测量的变量为株高,单株豆荚和谷粒的数量以及茎的直径。完整的随机区组设计用于四次复制。对数据进行方差的多变量分析,规范判别分析,多变量对比和单变量对比。第一个规范判别函数已捕获到数据总变化的81%。 Scott-Knott检验显示两组自交系的第一个典型判别函数平均得分。人们认为,用规范分数检验假设可能会导致丢失从原始数据中获得的信息。多元对比表明在Scott-Knott检验形成的组中存在差异。规范判别分析和多元对比是在多元评估中结合使用的优秀技术,分别用于探索和检验假设。



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