首页> 外文期刊>Climate of the Past Discussions >Proof in climatology for circulation effect of stalagmite δ18O in East Asia: analysis on the ratios among water vapor transport passageway intensities in East Asia

Proof in climatology for circulation effect of stalagmite δ18O in East Asia: analysis on the ratios among water vapor transport passageway intensities in East Asia

机译:东亚石笋δ 18 O循环效应的气候学证据:东亚水汽输送通道强度比值分析



Further verification about the circulation effect of stalagmite δ18O in East Asian monsoon region needs the quantitative description for the proportion of water vapor transport (WVT) from different source regions. WVT passageway intensities are defined as regionally averaged WVT flux modes in this paper. The ratio between two WVT passageways' intensities represents relative intensity of the two WVT passageways. Using the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data for 1948–2011, the ratios of the intensities of three WVT passageways from low latitudes (the intensity of WVT from Bay of Bengal (IBOB), the intensity of WVT from South China Sea (ISCS) and the intensity of WVT from western North Pacific (IWNP) in summer are calculated. SB is for the ISCS-IBOB ratio, WB for the IWNP-IBOB ratio, and WS for the IWNP-ISCS ratio. The decadal increase occurs in the time series of WB and WS, with higher values in 1976–1995 and lower values in 1950–1975, probably resulting from the strengthening of WVT from WNP in the midterm of 1970s. East Asian atmospheric circulations, WVTs and previous SST characters corresponding to the ratios are analyzed. The result indicates that SB, WB and WS may properly reflect the relative intensities between ISCS and IBOB, between IWNP and IBOB, and between IWNP and ISCS, respectively. For high SB years, the Asian Low and the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) weaken. The southwesterly winds from BOB to the Yangtze River valley by the southeast of the Tibetan Plateau weaken and the WVT from BOB to East Asia weakens. The southwesterly winds from SCS to East Asia strengthen and the WVT from SCS to East Asia strengthens. In high WB years, the Asian Low weakens and the WPSH shifts westwards, enhances and enlarges. The WVT from WNP to East Asia increases because of the strengthening of the easterly winds on the south of the WPSH. The westerly winds from BOB to East Asia by Indo-China Peninsula decrease and the WVT from BOB to East Asia weakens. The atmospheric circulation and WVT associated with WS are similar with those associated with WB. There are close relationships between WB (and WS) and the WPSH area, position and intensity. In high WB (and WS) years, the WPSH shifts westwards, enlarges and enhances. There is no obvious anomalous previous SST signal in tropical Indian Ocean and equatorial central and eastern Pacific for anomalous SB years. WB and WS are closely related to previous SST signal. When the equatorial central and eastern Pacific is in El Ni?o phase, SST in the tropical Indian Ocean, BOB and SCS is high and SST at middle latitudes in North Pacific is low, WB and WS tend to be high. After the midterm of 1970s, the equatorial central and eastern Pacific is often in El Ni?o phase. It is in agreement with higher WB in 1976–1995 than that in 1950–1975. In light of circulation effect of stalagmite δ18O in East Asia, high WB implies high stalagmite δ18O. Therefore, the interdecadal increase of WB in 1976–1995 than in 1950–1975 provides the proof using the conception of circulation effect to explain the interdecadal change of stalagmite δ18O at most regions in East Asia.
机译:关于石笋δ 18 O在东亚季风区的环流效应的进一步验证,需要对不同来源地区水汽输送比例的定量描述。 WVT通道强度在本文中定义为区域平均WVT通量模式。两个WVT通道强度之间的比率表示两个WVT通道的相对强度。使用1948-2011年的NCEP-NCAR再分析数据,从低纬度获得的三个WVT通道强度的比值(孟加拉湾的WVT强度(IBOB),南海的WVT强度(ISCS)和计算了夏季北太平洋西部(IWNP)WVT的强度,SB为ISCS-IBOB比,WB为IWNP-IBOB比,WS为IWNP-ISCS比,年代际增加发生在WB和WS在1976-1995年具有较高的值,在1950-1975年具有较低的值,这可能是由于1970年代中期WNP对WVT的加强所致。结果表明,SB,WB和WS可以分别正确反映ISCS和IBOB之间,IWNP和IBOB之间以及IWNP和ISCS之间的相对强度。 )减弱。青藏高原东南部从BOB到长江流域的NDs减弱,从BOB到东亚的WVT减弱。从南海到东亚的西南风增强,从南海到东亚的WVT增强。在高WB年,亚洲低谷减弱,WPSH向西移动,增强并扩大。由于WPSH南部的东风增强,从WNP到东亚的WVT增加。印度支那半岛从BOB到东亚的西风减弱,从BOB到东亚的WVT减弱。与WS相关的大气环流和WVT与与WB相关的大气环流和WVT相似。 WB(和WS)与WPSH区域,位置和强度之间存在密切关系。在高WB(和WS)年代,WPSH向西移动,扩大和增强。在热带印度洋和赤道中部和东部太平洋地区,在SB异常年份中没有明显的先前SST异常信号。 WB和WS与先前的SST信号密切相关。当赤道中太平洋和东太平洋处于El Ni?o相时,热带印度洋,BOB和SCS的SST偏高,而北太平洋中纬度的SST偏低,WB和WS偏高。 1970年代中期以后,赤道中太平洋和东太平洋经常处于厄尔尼诺现象。它与1976-1995年的WB高于1950-1975年的WB一致。鉴于石笋δ 18 O在东亚的循环效应,高WB意味着石笋δ 18 O较高。因此,1976-1995年WB的年代际增加比1950-1975年的年代际增加提供了证明,可以用循环效应的概念来解释东亚大部分地区石笋δ 18 O的年代际变化。



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