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"OAE 3" – regional Atlantic organic carbon burial during the Coniacian–Santonian

机译:“ OAE 3”–柯尼西亚—桑顿时期的区域性大西洋有机碳埋藏



The Coniacian–Santonian time interval is the inferred time of oceanic anoxicevent 3 (OAE 3), the last of the Cretaceous OAEs. A detailed look on thetemporal and spatial distribution of organic-rich deposits attributed to OAE3 suggests that black shale occurrences are restricted to the equatorial tomid-latitudinal Atlantic and adjacent basins, shelves and epicontinentalseas like parts of the Caribbean, the Maracaibo Basin and the WesternInterior Basin, and are largely absent in the Tethys, the North Atlantic,the southern South Atlantic, and the Pacific. Here, oxic bottom watersprevailed as indicated by the widespread occurrence of red deep-marine CORBs(Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds). Widespread CORB sedimentation started duringthe Turonian after Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) except in the Atlanticrealm where organic-rich strata continue up to the Santonian. The temporaldistribution of black shales attributed to OAE 3 indicates that organic-richstrata do not define a single and distinct short-time event, but aredistributed over a longer time span and occur in different basins duringdifferent times. This suggests intermittent and regional anoxic conditionsfrom the Coniacian to the Santonian. A comparison of time-correlatedhigh-resolution δ13C curves for this interval indicates severalminor positive excursions of up to 0.5‰, probably as a result of massiveorganic carbon burial cycles in the Atlantic. Regional wind-inducedupwelling and restricted deep basins may have contributed to the developmentof anoxia during a time interval of widespread oxic conditions, thushighlighting the regional character of inferred OAE 3 as regional Atlanticevent(s).
机译:Coniacian–Santonian时间间隔是推断的海洋缺氧事件3(OAE 3)的时间,这是白垩纪OAE的最后一个。对由OAE3引起的富含有机物的沉积物的时空分布的详细研究表明,黑色页岩的发生仅限于赤道中纬度大西洋和邻近的盆地,陆架和上陆海域,如加勒比海部分,马拉开波盆地和西部内陆盆地,并且在特提斯,北大西洋,南大西洋南部和太平洋基本上不存在。在这里,如红色深海CORB(白垩纪海洋红层)的广泛出现所表明的,有氧的底部水泛滥。大洋缺氧事件2(OAE 2)之后的土伦期开始了广泛的CORB沉积,但大西洋地区除外,那里富含有机物的地层一直持续到Santonian。归因于OAE 3的黑色页岩的时间分布表明,富含有机质的地层并没有定义一个单一且独特的短时间事件,而是分布在较长的时间范围内,并在不同的时间发生在不同的盆地中。这暗示了从科尼亚期到桑顿期的间歇性和区域性缺氧条件。比较此时间间隔内与时间相关的高分辨率δ 13 C曲线,可以看到几个较小的正偏移,最高可达0.5‰,这可能是大西洋上大规模的有机碳埋藏循环的结果。区域性风诱发的上升流和受限制的深流域可能在广泛的有氧条件的时间间隔内促进了缺氧的发展,从而突出了推断的OAE 3作为区域性大西洋事件的区域性。



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