首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia Rural >Fractionation of carbohydrate and protein of corn, sorghum and sunflower silages

Fractionation of carbohydrate and protein of corn, sorghum and sunflower silages




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> This work evaluates and characterizes the carbohydrates and proteins fractions of corn, sorghum and sunflower silages. The purpose was to supply composition data that make it possible to maximize use of foods and optimize animal performance. Two corn (Zea mays) hybrids, DKB-215 and DKB-344; sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) hybrids, Ambar and AG-2005; and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) hybrids, Rumbosol and M-734; were evaluated. Sunflower silage showed the lowest total carbohydrates (TC) and B2 (cellulose and hemicelluloses) values and the highest content of C (lignin and fiber associated lignin). Corn silages showed higher non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC), A+B1 (soluble sugars + starch and pectin) and TC together sorghum silage while the last one showed higher B2 due to higher stem contribution. There were differences between hybrids of sunflower for TC, when Rumbosol showed higher contents than M-734, due to the aptitude of these materials, forage and grain respectively. The sunflower silage showed higher crude protein (CP) and protein fractions. There were no differences between hybrids for CP and protein fractions values.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>这项工作评估并鉴定了玉米,高粱和向日葵青贮饲料中碳水化合物和蛋白质的成分。目的是提供成分数据,以最大程度地利用食物和优化动物的行为。两个玉米(Zea mays )杂交种DKB-215和DKB-344;高粱( Sorghum bicolor )杂种,Ambar和AG-2005;和向日葵( Helianthus annuus )杂种,Rumbosol和M-734;被评估。向日葵青贮饲料的总碳水化合物(TC)和B 2 (纤维素和半纤维素)值最低,而C的含量最高(木质素和纤维相关的木质素)。玉米青贮饲料中高纤维青贮饲料的非纤维碳水化合物(NFC),A + B 1 (可溶性糖+淀粉和果胶)和TC含量较高,而最后一种青贮饲料的B 2 由于茎的贡献较高。 TC的向日葵杂交种之间存在差异,当Rumbosol的含量高于M-734时,这是由于这些材料,草料和谷物的适应性。向日葵青贮饲料显示出较高的粗蛋白(CP)和蛋白质级分。 CP和蛋白质组分值之间没有差异。



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