首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia Rural >Agronomic traits of coffee tree progenies from Timor Hybrid x Catuaí crossing

Agronomic traits of coffee tree progenies from Timor Hybrid x Catuaí crossing

机译:Timor Hybrid xCatuaí杂交的咖啡树后代的农艺性状



> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic traits of coffee tree progenies. The experiment was set in Ouro Verde Farm, located at Campos Altos County, MG. Twenty three coffee progenies and seven control cultivars were used. These progenies are from the fourth generation of crossing between Timor Hybrid and Catuaí. The experiment was set in a randomized block design with four replicates, a total of 120 plots with 8 plants per plot. The yield of processed coffee sacks ha-1 was evaluated in eight crop years from the 2003 to the 2011 harvests. The percentage of fruits at the cherry stage, floating fruits, coffee classification (sieve above 17), income and plant vigor were evaluated in the 2010 and in the 2011 harvests. It was concluded that the progenies showed a great variability for the agronomic traits. Progenies 514-7-4-C130, 493-1-2-C134 and 518-2-10-C408 had the highest yield in the four two-year periods. The progenies 436-1-4-C26, 516-8-2-C109, 493-1-2-C134, 518-2-10-C408, 514-7-16-C211 and 514-7-16-C208 presented the highest values for plant vigor. Progeny 493-1-2-C134 stood out in all analyzed traits, showing to be promising for the advance of the generations.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>这项工作的目的是评估咖啡树后代的农艺性状。实验是在密苏里州坎波斯阿尔托斯县的欧鲁佛得角农场进行的。使用了二十三个咖啡后代和七个对照品种。这些后代来自帝汶杂交种和卡图阿之间的第四代杂交。实验采用随机区组设计,一式四份,共120块,每块8株。在2003年至2011年收成的8个作物年度中,对经过加工的咖啡袋ha -1 的产量进行了评估。在2010年和2011年的收成中评估了处于樱桃期的水果百分比,浮动水果,咖啡分类(17级筛分以上),收入和植物活力。结论是,后代的农艺性状表现出很大的变异性。子代514-7-4-C130、493-1-2-C134和518-2-10-C408在这两个四年中产量最高。呈现了子代436-1-4-C26、516-8-2-C109、493-1-2-C134、518-2-10-C408、514-7-16-C211和514-7-16-C208最高的植物活力值。后代493-1-2-C134在所有分析的性状中都脱颖而出,显示出对子孙后代的发展很有前途。



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