The Ministry of Health has instituted the Permanent Health Education (PHE) with the purpose to change both the practices and the education of h'/> Evaluation of tutors and facilitators on the formation process of facilitators on Permanent Health Education of Londrina, Paraná
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Evaluation of tutors and facilitators on the formation process of facilitators on Permanent Health Education of Londrina, Paraná

Evaluation of tutors and facilitators on the formation process of facilitators on Permanent Health Education of Londrina, Paraná




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Ministry of Health has instituted the Permanent Health Education (PHE) with the purpose to change both the practices and the education of health professionals. As a strengthening strategy of this policy, the formation of PHE tutors and facilitators has begun in the whole country. This project aims to analyze this individuals' perception on the PHE facilitator course in Londrina, PR. It is a qualitative study, carried out with PHE tutors and facilitators from December 2006 to January 2007. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and submitted to the discourse analysis proposed by Martins and Bicudo. By analyzing two categories the study revealed: Contributions from the permanent health education course and Critics on the facilitators' formation process. The results showed that despite some limitations such as the course period, selection of facilitators and difficulties with the course methodology, the education of facilitators has brought contributions to the systematical knowledge on PHE and the opportunity to reflect upon the practices in health.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>卫生部已经制定了永久健康教育(PHE),旨在改变实践和健康教育专业人士。作为该政策的加强策略,PHE辅导员和协调员已在全国范围内组建。该项目旨在分析此人对位于宾夕法尼亚州隆德里纳的PHE辅导员课程的看法。这是一项定性研究,于2006年12月至2007年1月与PHE导师和主持人一起进行。数据是通过半结构化访谈收集的,并提交给Martins和Bicudo提出的话语分析。通过分析两个类别,该研究揭示了:永久性健康教育课程的贡献以及对促进者形成过程的批评家的贡献。结果表明,尽管课程周期,辅导员的选择以及课程方法存在一些局限性,但是辅导员的教育为有关PHE的系统知识和反思健康实践的机会做出了贡献。



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