Water rational use for garden irrigation is a constant concern in view of it waste, because researches have shown that it corresponds to 40 to '/> Growing Stenachaenium megapotamicum in different irrigation regimes
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Growing Stenachaenium megapotamicum in different irrigation regimes




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Water rational use for garden irrigation is a constant concern in view of it waste, because researches have shown that it corresponds to 40 to 70% of the domestic consumption. One of the strategies employed to avoid this waste is the selection and planting of drought stress resistant plants. This research aimed to evaluate the Stenachaenium megapotamicum growth, a sub shrub plant, with ornamental potential, native from South Brazil, grown under different water regimes. Two experiments were developed: a) during the spring by applying three irrigation frequencies: daily, every other day, and every three days, b) during the fall / winter by applying four irrigation frequencies: daily, five, seven and nine days. Results obtained showed that S. megapotamicum is an adequate annual plant summer for landscape projects focusing in the efficient water use.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>鉴于灌溉浪费​​,合理使用水用于花园灌溉一直是一个令人关注的问题,因为研究表明,这相当于40国内消费的70%。避免这种浪费的策略之一是选择和种植抗旱植物。这项研究旨在评估 Stenachaenium megapotamicum 的生长,这是一种具有观赏潜力的亚灌木植物,起源于巴西南部,在不同的水环境下生长。开发了两个实验:a)在春季通过应用三个灌溉频率:每天,隔日和每三天; b)在秋季/冬季通过应用四个灌溉频率:每天,五,七和九天。所得结果表明 b。 megapotamicum 是一年一度的适宜夏季植物种植的夏季景观项目,



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