The final destination of medicine residues is a relevant subject to the public health due to the pharmacological properties of each medicine, that in future will become a re'/> How to do the correct discard of medicine residues?
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How to do the correct discard of medicine residues?




> size="2" face="Verdana">The final destination of medicine residues is a relevant subject to the public health due to the pharmacological properties of each medicine, that in future will become a residue and will need to be treated. In Brazil, the correct discard of the solid medicine residues is regulated by the Ministry of Health and also by the Ministry of Environment, that aim to provide the producers of medicine residues with instruments that enable them to correctly discard those residues. However, there are some obstacles that can only be overcome through the integration of all agents involved in this process. The purpose of this article is to make a critical survey of the legal instruments offered by the regulatory institutions, locating each agent and its responsibilities concerning the protection of public health and the environment.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana”>由于每种药物的药理特性,药物残留的最终目的地与公众健康息息相关,在将来,药物残留将成为一种残留物,需要被视为。在巴西,固体药物残留物的正确丢弃受到卫生部和环境部的监管,目的是为药物残留物的生产者提供使他们能够正确丢弃这些残留物的仪器。但是,有些障碍只能通过整合此过程中涉及的所有代理来克服。本文旨在对监管机构提供的法律文书进行批判性调查,以找出每个代理商及其在保护公众健康和环境方面的责任。



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