The Pharmaceutical Care concepts were analyzed from their origins in the United States and the later contributions which came from Spain and fr'/> Pharmaceutical Care: conceptual and critical basis to a Brazilian model
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Pharmaceutical Care: conceptual and critical basis to a Brazilian model




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Pharmaceutical Care concepts were analyzed from their origins in the United States and the later contributions which came from Spain and from the effort of sistematization by the World Health Organization to understand the processs that has been happening in Brasil. After the abandon of the communitarian pharmacy, the Brazilian pharmacists hope that this new model of practicing is the way to get back his/her social role. The philosophy which directs the Pharmaceutical Care, having the focus on patient, in our understanding, must support philosophical and conceptually the rebuilding of pharmaceutical practicing in Brazil in order to get back the lost relation between the pharmacist and patient at communitarian pharmacy.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>从美国的起源,西班牙的后来贡献以及西班牙的努力中分析了药物护理概念。由世界卫生组织进行固定化处理,以了解巴西正在发生的过程。在放弃共同药房之后,巴西药剂师希望这种新的执业模式能够重新获得他/她的社会角色。在我们看来,指导“药品护理”以患者为关注重点的哲学必须在哲学上和概念上支持在巴西进行的药品业务的重建,以便找回在社区药房中药剂师与患者之间失去的联系。



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