Primary healthcare in Portugal is undergoing a major reform, of which family health units (FHU) are one of the more visible results. This study'/> Family Health Reform in Portugal: analysis of its implementation
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Family Health Reform in Portugal: analysis of its implementation




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Primary healthcare in Portugal is undergoing a major reform, of which family health units (FHU) are one of the more visible results. This study aimed to evaluate the FHU implementation process from 2006 onwards. Methods from a previous study of primary healthcare implementation in Brazil were used. Dimensions studied included comprehensiveness of care, organization of care, and the political-institutional perspective. The main improvements identified included better availability of care, team work, technical quality of care, innovative management practices, sustainability of the model, working conditions and infrastructure improvements. Main challenges remaining include integration with hospital care, political and institutional gray areas, need for better information systems, integration within health centers and workflow organization. These data may be useful for management decision-makers when making adjustments and corrections in the reform process.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>葡萄牙的初级卫生保健正在经历一项重大改革,家庭卫生部门(FHU)是其中最明显的成果之一。这项研究旨在评估从2006年开始的FHU实施过程。使用先前对巴西初级卫生保健实施研究的方法。研究的范围包括护理的全面性,护理的组织以及政治制度的观点。确定的主要改进包括更好的护理,团队合作,护理的技术质量,创新的管理实践,模型的可持续性,工作条件和基础设施的改进。剩下的主要挑战包括与医院护理,政治和机构灰色区域的整合,对更好的信息系统的需求,在医疗中心和工作流程组织中的整合。在改革过程中进行调整和更正时,这些数据可能对管理决策者有用。



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