One factor that contributes to the emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms is the inappropriate use of antimicrobials. In this study 19'/> The use of antimicrobial drugs by the population in the city of Jataí, State of Goias, Brazil
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >The use of antimicrobial drugs by the population in the city of Jataí, State of Goias, Brazil

The use of antimicrobial drugs by the population in the city of Jataí, State of Goias, Brazil




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">One factor that contributes to the emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms is the inappropriate use of antimicrobials. In this study 192 homes were visited to apply a questionnaire regarding the consumption habits of antimicrobials of all residents. The data revealed that 6.8% of participants had used antimicrobial agents in recent months. Users were predominantly female, aged between 20 and 59, with an income of 1 to 3 minimum salaries. Of the total, 9.1% made use of antimicrobials without prescription and 4.6% did not complete the treatment cycle, citing either improvement in symptoms or side effects. The most reported reason for treatment was oropharyngeal infection. Inappropriate use of antibiotics was also detected, such as for the treatment of fever, influenza and allergy. Among the respondents, 20.5% traditionally recommend the use of antimicrobials to family and friends. This study was conducted before the prohibition of the sale of antibiotics without a prescription. The majority of respondents are unaware of the risks of inappropriate use and a considerable percentage of individuals recommend these drugs to others. With the implementation of the law prohibiting sale without prescription, it is hoped that this problem will be minimized.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>导致出现多药耐药性微生物的一个因素是抗菌剂的不当使用。在这项研究中,访问了192户家庭,以应用有关所有居民抗菌药物消费习惯的问卷。数据显示,近几个月有6.8%的参与者使用了抗菌剂。用户主要是女性,年龄在20至59岁之间,最低收入为1-3。在总数中,有9.1%的人在没有处方的情况下使用抗生素,而有4.6%的人由于症状或副作用的改善而没有完成治疗周期。报道最多的治疗原因是口咽感染。还发现不当使用抗生素,例如用于治疗发烧,流感和过敏。在受访者中,传统上有20.5%的人建议家人和朋友使用抗菌药物。这项研究是在禁止无处方销售抗生素之前进行的。大多数受访者并未意识到使用不当的风险,相当多的人向他人推荐了这些药物。随着禁止无处方销售的法律的实施,希望这个问题能够被最小化。



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