This study assesses the association between socio-environmental factors and urban sanitation conditions with the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in a community on the p'/> Study of the association between socio-environmental factors and the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in the suburbs of the city of Manaus in the state of Amazonas, Brazil
首页> 外文期刊>Ciencia e Saude Coletiva >Study of the association between socio-environmental factors and the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in the suburbs of the city of Manaus in the state of Amazonas, Brazil

Study of the association between socio-environmental factors and the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in the suburbs of the city of Manaus in the state of Amazonas, Brazil




> face="verdana" size="2">This study assesses the association between socio-environmental factors and urban sanitation conditions with the prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in a community on the periphery of the city of Manaus. The study comprised a socio-environmental survey and a parasitological inquiry. A heterogeneous community was revealed with some socio-economic and environmental differences between the micro-areas evaluated, even though the urban sanitation conditions were found to be predominantly precarious. The prevalance of intestinal parasitosis was 44.2%. There was no significant difference between the micro-areas that could explain the occurrence of intestinal parasitosis. An association was found between intestinal parasitosis and residential building types, age bracket and the quality of the water used for personal hygiene and consumption in the home. Open air sewerage was a risk factor associated with intestinal parasitosis (OR=6.72; p=0.034) and also with intestinal protozoa (OR=21.87; p=0.004). In terms of the presence of protozoa, two risk factors were verified: the dumping of sewage directly into the river system (OR=12.98; p=0.011) and the use of rudimentary cesspits (OR=9.54; p=0.019).
机译:> face =“ verdana” size =“ 2”>这项研究评估了社会环境因素和城市卫生条件与马瑙斯市外围社区肠道寄生虫病患病率之间的关系。这项研究包括社会环境调查和寄生虫学调查。尽管发现城市卫生条件主要不稳定,但发现了一个异质社区,在评估的微区域之间存在一些社会经济和环境差异。肠道寄生虫病的患病率为44.2%。可以解释肠道寄生虫病发生的微小区域之间没有显着差异。发现肠道寄生虫病与住宅建筑类型,年龄段以及用于个人卫生和家庭用水的水质之间存在关联。露天排污是与肠道寄生虫病(OR = 6.72; p = 0.034)和肠道原生动物有关的危险因素(OR = 21.87; p = 0.004)。就原生动物的存在而言,已验证了两个风险因素:将污水直接排入河流系统(OR = 12.98; p = 0.011)和使用基本污水坑(OR = 9.54; p = 0.019)。字体>



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