首页> 外文期刊>Case Reports in Infectious Diseases >Surgical Site Infection byCorynebacterium macginleyiin a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type 1

Surgical Site Infection byCorynebacterium macginleyiin a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type 1




Corynebacterium (C.) macginleyiis a gram positive, lipophilic rod, usually considered a colonizer of skin and mucosal surfaces. Several reports have associatedC. macginleyiwith ocular infections, such as conjunctivitis and endophthalmitis. However, even if rare, extraocular infections fromC. macginleyimay occur, especially among immunocompromised patients and patients with indwelling medical devices. We report herein the first case of surgical site infection byC. macginleyiafter orthopaedic surgery for the correction of kyphoscoliosis in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1. Our patient developed a nodular granulomatous lesion of about two centimetres along the surgical scar, at the level of C4-C5, with purulent discharge and formation of a fistulous tract. Cervical magnetic resonance imaging showed the presence of a two-centimetre fluid pocket in the subcutaneous tissue. Several swabs were collected from the borders of the lesion as well as from the exudate, with isolation ofC. macginleyi. The isolate was susceptible to beta-lactams, cotrimoxazole, linezolid, and glycopeptides but resistant to quinolones, third-generation cephalosporins, and erythromycin. Two 30-day courses of antibiotic therapy with amoxicillin/clavulanate (1 g three times/day) and cotrimoxazole (800/160 mg twice a day) were administered, obtaining a complete healing of the lesion.
机译:棒状杆菌(C.)macginleyiis是革兰氏阳性的亲脂性杆,通常被认为是皮肤和粘膜表面的定居者。有几个报告已关联C。麦金莱氏症伴有眼部感染,如结膜炎和眼内炎。但是,即使罕见,眼球感染也来自C。发生macginleyimay,尤其是在免疫功能低下的患者和带有留置医疗设备的患者中。我们在此报告第一例由C感染手术部位的病例。矫形术后用macginleyi矫正1型神经纤维瘤病患者的脊柱后凸畸形。我们的患者沿着手术疤痕形成了约两厘米的结节性肉芽肿性病变,水平为C4-C5,有脓性分泌物和瘘管形成。宫颈磁共振成像显示皮下组织中存在两厘米的积液。从病灶的边界以及渗出液中收集了数个棉签,分离出C。麦金莱。该分离株对β-内酰胺类,cotrimoxazole,linezolid和糖肽敏感,但对喹诺酮类,第三代头孢菌素和红霉素有抗性。给予了两个为期30天的疗程,分别使用阿莫西林/克拉维酸盐(每天3次,每次1μg)和考莫唑(每天两次,每次800 /160μmg)进行抗生素治疗,从而使病灶完全愈合。



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