首页> 外文期刊>Chemical science >Many Mg–Mg bonds form the core of the Mg16Cp*8Br4K cluster anion: the key to a reassessment of the Grignard reagent (GR) formation process?

Many Mg–Mg bonds form the core of the Mg16Cp*8Br4K cluster anion: the key to a reassessment of the Grignard reagent (GR) formation process?

机译:许多Mg–Mg键构成Mg 16 Cp * 8 Br 4 K簇阴离子的核心:重新评估格氏试剂(GR)形成过程的关键?



It caused a sensation eight years ago, when the first room temperature stable molecular compound with a Mg–Mg bond (LMgMgL, L = chelating ligand) containing magnesium in the oxidation state +1 was prepared. Here, we report the preparation of a [Mg16Cp*8Br4K]? cluster anion (Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadiene) with 27 Mg–Mg bonds. It has been obtained through the reaction of KCp* with a metastable solution of MgBr in toluene. A highly-resolved Fourier transform mass spectrum (FT-MS) of this cluster anion, brought into vacuum by electrospraying its solution in THF, provides the title cluster's stoichiometry. This Mg16 cluster together with experiments on the metastable solution of MgBr show that: during the formation process of GRs (Grignard reagents) which are involved in most of sophisticated syntheses of organic products, not the highly reactive MgBr radical as often presumed, but instead the metalloid Mg16Cp*8Br4 cluster anion and its related cousins that are the operative intermediates along the pathway from Mg metal to GRs (e.g. Cp*MgBr).
机译:八年前,当制备了第一个具有Mg–Mg键(LMgMgL,L =螯合配体)的室温稳定分子化合物时,这种化合物引起了轰动。该化合物的氧化态为+1。在这里,我们报告[Mg 16 Cp * 8 Br 4 K] 簇状阴离子(Cp * =五甲基环戊二烯),含27 Mg –镁键。它是通过KCp *与MgBr在甲苯中的亚稳定溶液反应获得的。该簇阴离子的高分辨傅里叶变换质谱(FT-MS),通过在THF中电喷雾将其溶液引入真空中,可提供标题簇的化学计量。该Mg 16 簇以及对MgBr亚稳溶液的实验表明:在GRs(Grignard试剂)的形成过程中,涉及大多数复杂的有机合成过程产物,而不是通常假定的高反应性MgBr自由基,而是类金属Mg 16 Cp * 8 Br 4 簇状阴离子及其相关表亲,它们是从Mg金属到GRs的有效中间产物(< em> eg Cp * MgBr)。



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