首页> 外文期刊>Cerebellum & Ataxias >Transcranial magnetic stimulation for diplopia in a patient with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6: a case report

Transcranial magnetic stimulation for diplopia in a patient with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6: a case report




Background In Patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) are often treated by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the motor cortex and cerebellum. However, few reports have examined effective therapeutic modalities for diplopia in SCA6 patients. In the current case, we applied single-pulse TMS over the motor cortex and cerebellum to improve ataxia, and observed an unexpected improvement of diplopia. Case presentation A 62-year-old Japanese male with spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) was admitted to our hospital for exacerbation of ataxia. We administered single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the hand motor area and the cerebellum with a circular coil to reduce ataxia. After the initiation of TMS, since diplopia unexpectedly improved, we started a quantitative assessment of diplopia by counting the number of fixation spots that he observed in his visual field. This assessment suggested that TMS had an immediate and cumulative effect on diplopia. We also delivered more localized stimulation only over the motor cortex with a Figure-8 coil, and diplopia improved immediately. Additionally, we administered a sham stimulation before the real stimulation over the motor cortex and the cerebellum. The sham stimulation improved diplopia, and greater improvement was observed with subsequent real stimulation. We also used a Hess chart examination and video recordings of binocular gross appearance to elucidate the changes in ocular movement objectively. However, these examinations did not reveal any obvious oculomotor changes. Conclusions We applied single-pulse TMS to a SCA6 patient with diplopia, which improved without any adverse effects. TMS may have potential for the treatment of diplopia in SCA6 patients.
机译:背景在患有6型脊髓小脑共济失调(SCA6)的患者中,经常通过运动皮层和小脑的经颅磁刺激(TMS)治疗。但是,很少有报道检查过SCA6患者复视的有效治疗方式。在当前情况下,我们在运动皮层和小脑上应用了单脉冲TMS以改善共济失调,并观察到了复视的出乎意料的改善。病例报告一名62岁的日本小脑型共济失调6型(SCA6)男性因住院共济失调而入院。我们在手部运动区域和小脑上进行了单脉冲经颅磁刺激(TMS),并采用了圆形线圈以减少共济失调。 TMS启动后,由于复视意外地得到改善,我们通过对他在视野中观察到的固定点的数量进行计数,开始了对复视的定量评估。该评估表明,TMS对复视具有立竿见影的累积作用。我们还使用Figure-8线圈仅在运动皮质上提供了更多的局部刺激,并且复视立即得到改善。另外,在对运动皮层和小脑进行真正刺激之前,我们先进行了假刺激。假刺激改善了复视,并且在随后的真实刺激下观察到更大的改善。我们还使用Hess图表检查和双眼毛状外观的录像来客观地阐明眼动的变化。但是,这些检查没有发现任何明显的动眼神经变化。结论我们对患有复视的SCA6患者应用了单脉冲TMS,但无任何不良反应。 TMS可能具有治疗SCA6患者复视的潜力。



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