首页> 外文期刊>Cerebellum & Ataxias >Cerebellar ataxia with sensory ganglionopathy; does autoimmunity have a role to play?

Cerebellar ataxia with sensory ganglionopathy; does autoimmunity have a role to play?




Background and purpose Cerebellar ataxia with sensory ganglionopathy (SG) is a disabling combination of neurological dysfunction usually seen as part of some hereditary ataxias. However, patients may present with this combination without a genetic cause. Methods We reviewed records of all patients that have been referred to the Sheffield Ataxia Centre who had neurophysiological and imaging data suggestive of SG and cerebellar ataxia respectively. We excluded patients with Friedreich’s ataxia, a common cause of this combination. All patients were screened for genetic causes and underwent extensive investigations. Results We identified 40 patients (45% males, mean age at symptom onset 53.7?±?14.7?years) with combined cerebellar ataxia and SG. The majority of patients (40%) were initially diagnosed with cerebellar dysfunction and 30% were initially diagnosed with SG. For 30% the two diagnoses were made at the same time. The mean latency between the two diagnoses was 6.5?±?8.9?years (range 0–44). The commonest initial manifestation was unsteadiness (77.5%) followed by patchy sensory loss (17.5%) and peripheral neuropathic pain (5%). Nineteen patients (47.5%) had gluten sensitivity, of whom 3 patients (7.5%) had biopsy proven coeliac disease. Other abnormal immunological tests were present in another 15 patients. Six patients had malignancy, which was diagnosed within 5?years of the neurological symptoms. Only 3 patients (7.5%) were classified as having a truly idiopathic combination of cerebellar ataxia with SG. Conclusion Our case series highlights that amongst patients with the unusual combination of cerebellar ataxia and SG, immune pathogenesis plays a significant role.
机译:背景和目的小脑共济失调伴感觉神经节病(SG)是神经功能障碍的致残组合,通常被视为某些遗传性共济失调的一部分。但是,患者可能会出现这种组合而没有遗传原因。方法我们回顾了所有转诊至谢菲尔德共济失调中心的患者的记录,这些患者的神经生理学和影像学数据分别提示SG和小脑性共济失调。我们排除了Friedreich共济失调的患者,这是造成这种合并症的常见原因。筛选所有患者的遗传原因,并进行了广泛的研究。结果我们确定了40例合并小脑性共济失调和SG的患者(男性占45%,平均发病年龄为53.7±14.7岁)。大多数患者(40%)最初被诊断为小脑功能障碍,30%最初被诊断为SG。对于30%,两个诊断是同时进行的。两次诊断之间的平均潜伏期为6.5?±?8.9?年(范围0-44)。最常见的初始表现是不稳定(77.5%),其次是斑sensor的感觉丧失(17.5%)和周围神经性疼痛(5%)。 19名患者(47.5%)有面筋敏感性,其中3例(7.5%)有活检证实为乳糜泻。其他15例患者出现了其他异常的免疫学检查。有6例恶性肿瘤,在出现神经系统症状的5年内被确诊。只有3例(7.5%)被归类为真正的特发性小脑性共济失调与SG合并。结论我们的病例系列突出显示,在小脑共济失调和SG异常合并的患者中,免疫发病机制起着重要作用。



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