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Big Data, new epistemologies and paradigm shifts




This article examines how the availability of Big Data, coupled with new data analytics, challenges established epistemologies across the sciences, social sciences and humanities, and assesses the extent to which they are engendering paradigm shifts across multiple disciplines. In particular, it critically explores new forms of empiricism that declare ?¢????the end of theory?¢????, the creation of data-driven rather than knowledge-driven science, and the development of digital humanities and computational social sciences that propose radically different ways to make sense of culture, history, economy and society. It is argued that: (1) Big Data and new data analytics are disruptive innovations which are reconfiguring in many instances how research is conducted; and (2) there is an urgent need for wider critical reflection within the academy on the epistemological implications of the unfolding data revolution, a task that has barely begun to be tackled despite the rapid changes in research practices presently taking place. After critically reviewing emerging epistemological positions, it is contended that a potentially fruitful approach would be the development of a situated, reflexive and contextually nuanced epistemology.
机译:本文研究了大数据的可用性以及新的数据分析如何挑战科学,社会科学和人文科学领域已建立的认识论,并评估了它们在多学科领域引起范式转变的程度。特别是,它批判性地探索了新的经验主义形式,这些形式宣告了“理论的终结”,数据驱动型科学而非知识驱动型科学的创立以及数字人文科学和计算技术的发展。社会科学提出了完全不同的方法来理解文化,历史,经济和社会。有人认为:(1)大数据和新数据分析是颠覆性的创新,在许多情况下都在重新配置研究的进行方式; (2)迫切需要在学院内部对正在发生的数据革命的认识论影响进行更广泛的批判性思考,尽管目前研究方法正在迅速变化,但这项任务尚未开始解决。在批判性地回顾了新兴的认识论立场之后,人们认为一种潜在的富有成果的方法将是发展一种情境化,反思性和情境化的认识论。



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