首页> 外文期刊>Biblionline >PRáTICAS DE LEITURA E COMPETêNCIAS PROFISSIONAIS DO BIBLIOTECáRIO: um estudo a partir dos trabalhos de conclus?o do Curso de Biblioteconomia / UFPB

PRáTICAS DE LEITURA E COMPETêNCIAS PROFISSIONAIS DO BIBLIOTECáRIO: um estudo a partir dos trabalhos de conclus?o do Curso de Biblioteconomia / UFPB

机译:图书馆的阅读实践和专业能力:图书馆学课程结业/ UFPB的研究



Reading in the Information Society is an informational practice that permits the construction of knowledge supported by learning, helping to civic education. To highlight its role in the field of librarianship, we carried out a theoretical study based on a literature research from a survey of course completion papers of Librarianship at UFPB in the past three years (2006/2009) that address issues of reading and professional skills of the librarian. It is used as a reference, the library as a unit of information that has as one of its basic activities the encouragement of reading and learning. The librarian is emphasized as information professional who acts as mediator between the user and the information sources for reading actions. In this context, it analyzes the skills of the librarian with an emphasis on promoting access to reading and information for those seeking knowledge, boosting the citizen to comply with more awareness their rights and duties. Its presents the actions of reading that librarians can develop in the library to support the construction of a more active user / reader / citizen the Information Society.



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