首页> 外文期刊>Case Reports in Orthopedics >Delaying Shoulder Motion and Strengthening and Increasing Achilles Allograft Thickness for Glenoid Resurfacing Did Not Improve the Outcome for a 30-Year-Old Patient with Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis

Delaying Shoulder Motion and Strengthening and Increasing Achilles Allograft Thickness for Glenoid Resurfacing Did Not Improve the Outcome for a 30-Year-Old Patient with Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis




Although interposition soft-tissue (biologic) resurfacing of the glenoid with humeral hemiarthroplasty has been considered an option for end-stage glenohumeral arthritis, the results of this procedure are highly unsatisfactory in patients less than 40 years old. Achilles tendon allograft is popular for glenoid resurfacing because it can be made robust by folding it. But one reason that the procedure might fail in younger patients is that the graft is not initially thick enough for the young active patient. Most authors report folding the graft only once to achieve two-layer thickness. We report the case of a 30-year-old male who had postarthroscopic glenohumeral chondrolysis that was treated with Achilles tendon allograft resurfacing of the glenoid and humeral hemiarthroplasty. An important aspect of our case is that the tendon was folded so that it was 50–100% thicker than most allograft constructs reported previously. We also used additional measures to enhance allograft resiliency and bone incorporation: (1) multiple nonresorbable sutures to attach the adjacent graft layers, (2) additional resorbable suture anchors and nonresorbable sutures in order to more robustly secure the graft to the glenoid, and (3) delaying postoperative motion and strengthening. However, despite these additional measures, our patient did not have an improved outcome.
机译:尽管关节盂软组织置换术(生物)表面肱骨头半髋置换术被认为是晚期盂肱型关节炎的一种选择,但该手术的结果在40岁以下的患者中非常不令人满意。阿基里斯肌腱同种异体移植术常用于关节盂置换术,因为它可以通过折叠使其坚固。但是在年轻患者中手术可能失败的原因之一是,移植物最初对于年轻的活动患者而言不够厚。大多数作者报告只折叠一次移植物即可达到两层厚度。我们报道了一名30岁男性的病例,该男性患有关节镜后盂肱肱骨软骨病,并用跟腱同种异体移植治疗了盂盂和肱骨半髋置换。我们病例的一个重要方面是腱被折叠,使其比以前报道的大多数同种异体移植结构厚50–100%。我们还使用了其他措施来增强同种异体移植的弹性和骨骼整合能力:(1)多个不可吸收的缝合线将相邻的移植物层连接在一起;(2)其他可吸收的缝合锚钉和不可吸收的缝合线,以便更牢固地将移植物固定到关节盂上;和( 3)延迟术后运动并加强。然而,尽管采取了这些额外的措施,我们的患者并没有改善预后。



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