首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >The Susceptibility of ABO Blood Groups to MalariaParasitaemia among Residents of Awka, AnambraState, Nigeria

The Susceptibility of ABO Blood Groups to MalariaParasitaemia among Residents of Awka, AnambraState, Nigeria




The investigation was carried out to determine the susceptibility of ABO blood groups to malaria parasiteamia among residents of Awka, Awka South L.G.A, Anambra State Nigeria. The research revealed that out of 309 samples analyzed for ABO blood groups susceptibility for malaria in various classes, 265 (85.8%) was observed to have patent parasiteamia with malaria. Among the sexes, males recorded higher susceptibility than females, with blood group B recording highest (94.5%) susceptibility of infection than other blood groups. The ABO and Rhesus blood group phenotype sample were determined by agglutination method using commercially provided antisera suitable for the detection of blood rhesus positivity and negativity.
机译:进行调查以确定在尼日利亚阿南布拉州Awka South L.G.A的Awka居民中ABO血型对寄生虫疟疾的敏感性。研究发现,在分析的309种ABO血型样本中,各种类别的疟疾易感性中,有265例(85.8%)被发现患有疟原虫。在性别中,男性的易感性高于女性,而B组的感染易感性最高(94.5%)。 ABO和恒河猴血型表型样品是通过凝集法测定的,方法是使用市售的适用于检测血恒河猴阳性和阴性的抗血清。



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