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Optimizing Whole House Deep Energy Retrofit Packages: A Case Study of Existing Chicago-Area Homes




Improving the energy efficiency of the residential building stock plays a key role in mitigating global climate change. New guidelines are targeting widespread application of deep energy retrofits to existing homes that reduce their annual energy use by 50%, but questions remain as to how to identify and prioritize the most cost-effective retrofit measures. This work demonstrates the utility of whole building energy simulation and optimization software to construct a “tool-box” of prescriptive deep energy retrofits that can be applied to large portions of the existing housing stock. We consider 10 generally representative typology groups of existing single-family detached homes built prior to 1978 in the Chicago area for identifying cost-optimal deep energy retrofit packages. Simulations were conducted in BEopt and EnergyPlus operating on a cloud-computing platform to first identify cost-optimal enclosure retrofits and then identify cost-optimal upgrades to heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. Results reveal that prescriptive retrofit packages achieving at least 50% site energy savings can be defined for most homes through a combination of envelope retrofits, lighting upgrades, and upgrades to existing HVAC system efficiency or conversion to mini-split heat pumps. The average upfront cost of retrofits is estimated to be ~$14,400, resulting in average annual site energy savings of ~54% and an average simple payback period of ~25 years. Widespread application of these prescriptive retrofit packages across the existing Chicago-area residential building stock is predicted to reduce annual site energy use by 3.7 × 1016 J and yield approximately $280 million USD in annual energy savings.
机译:改善住宅建筑的能源效率在缓解全球气候变化方面起着关键作用。新指南的目标是将深能源改造广泛应用于现有房屋,以将其年度能源消耗减少50%,但是仍然存在有关如何确定最具成本效益的改造措施并确定其优先次序的问题。这项工作演示了整个建筑能源模拟和优化软件在构建规范性深层能源改造“工具箱”中的实用性,该工具箱可应用于现有住房的大部分。我们考虑了1978年之前在芝加哥地区建造的10个通常具有代表性的现有单户独立屋的类型,以识别成本最佳的深层能源翻新包。在运行于云计算平台上的BEopt和EnergyPlus中进行了模拟,以首先确定成本最佳的机柜改造,然后确定成本最佳的供暖,通风和空调(HVAC)系统升级。结果表明,可以通过结合信封改造,照明升级,升级现有HVAC系统效率或转换为微型分体式热泵的方式,为大多数家庭定义至少可节省50%现场能源的说明性改造方案。改造的平均前期成本估计约为14,400美元,导致平均每年现场节能约54%,平均简单投资回收期约为25年。这些说明性的改造方案在现有的芝加哥地区住宅建筑群中得到广泛应用,预计将使现场年度能源消耗减少3.7×10 16 J,并每年节省约2.8亿美元。



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