首页> 外文期刊>Cancer Forum >A South Australian Cancer Atlas shows important variations in cancer risk and outcomes, but can better use be made of Australian data to support the work of Cancer Councils?

A South Australian Cancer Atlas shows important variations in cancer risk and outcomes, but can better use be made of Australian data to support the work of Cancer Councils?




Cancer Council SA commissioned the production of An Atlas of Cancer in South Australia by the Public Health Information Development Unit of the University of Adelaide, to identify areas where primary and secondary preventive programs might be better directed to improve cancer outcomes in rural South Australia. The Atlas illustrated the benefit of using data from multiple sources together to highlight inequalities in cancer risk in regional and remote compared with metropolitan areas. Differences in survival were also presented, including important ones requiring immediate attention, but in most instances the differences were small and suggestive of reasonably equitable access to critical services. Based on Atlas data, we have made recommendations regarding cancer-control initiatives needed to reduce inequalities in cancer risk and outcomes in South Australia, particularly in high risk populations such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Acquisition of data for the Atlas proved to be a slow and difficult process. There was good support from many data custodians, but also major barriers, including some that proved insurmountable within the two-year period of the project. Major differences existed in data access and approval processes, and in resource availability to extract data. There is a pressing need to improve data governance arrangements to increase access to existing Australian data to guide cancer-control initiatives.
机译:Cancer Council SA委托阿德莱德大学公共卫生信息开发部在南澳大利亚制作了一份《癌症地图集》,以确定可以更好地指导一级和二级预防计划以改善南澳大利亚农村地区癌症结果的地区。该地图集说明了将多个来源的数据一起用于强调与大都市地区相比偏远地区和偏远地区癌症风险不平等的好处。还提出了生存差异,包括需要立即关注的重要差异,但在大多数情况下,差异很小,暗示着合理公平地获得关键服务。根据Atlas数据,我们针对减少南澳大利亚,特别是在高风险人群(如原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民)中减少癌症风险和结果不平等所需的癌症控制措施提出了建议。事实证明,获取Atlas数据是一个缓慢而困难的过程。许多数据保管人都提供了良好的支持,但也存在重大障碍,其中包括一些在项目两年内证明无法克服的障碍。数据访问和批准流程以及提取数据的资源可用性方面存在主要差异。迫切需要改进数据治理安排,以增加对澳大利亚现有数据的访问,以指导癌症控制计划。



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