首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Measurement of Pig Production Profitability inZangon Kataf and Jemaa€?a Local GovernmentAreas of Kaduna State, Nigeria

Measurement of Pig Production Profitability inZangon Kataf and Jemaa€?a Local GovernmentAreas of Kaduna State, Nigeria

机译:尼日利亚卡杜纳州地方政府区域Zangon Kataf和Jemaa的生猪盈利能力的衡量



The study aimed at measuring the profitability of swine farmers, as well as determining the influence of the farmers’ socio-economic characteristics on their output. It was conducted in Kaduna State, Nigeria using structured questionnaire administered to 120 swine farmers. The respondents were randomly selected from Jema’a and Zangon Kataf Local Government Areas and information relating to objectives of the study was obtained. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression model, t-test of significance and net farm income were used to analyse the data. The study revealed that swine production in the study area predominantly carried out by women of active age. Profitability ratios showed that swine production was profitable with a return per naira invested (38kobo), profit margin (27%), gross ratio (73%) and a net farm income (N 3,178.55 per pig). The cost of feed, purchase of piglets and family labour constitutes the major variable cost items (81.96%), with an average sale of N11, 624.77 and average total cost of N8, 446.22The result also showed that swine production was influenced by socio economic characteristics: production experience, household size, herd size, age and level of education were significant (P=.05 and .01). Z-test also revealed a significant difference (P=.01) between farmers’ costs and returns. High cost of piglets, high cost of feeds, outbreak of diseases and high piglet mortality rate were the major constraints faced by farmers. The study recommends that producers should be assisted with financial capital to be able to effectively rear pigs and also expand the scale of production.
机译:该研究旨在衡量养猪户的盈利能力,并确定养猪户的社会经济特征对其产量的影响。该研究是在尼日利亚卡杜纳州进行的,采用的结构化问卷调查了120名养猪户。受访者是从Jema’a和Zangon Kataf地方政府地区中随机抽取的,并获得了与研究目标有关的信息。使用描述性统计数据,多元回归模型,显着性t检验和农场净收入进行分析。研究表明,研究区的猪生产主要由活跃年龄的妇女进行。获利能力比率显示,养猪业是有利可图的,每投资奈拉的回报率为(38kobo),利润率为(27%),毛利率(73%)和农场净收入(每头猪为3,178.55 N)。饲料成本,购买仔猪成本和家庭劳动成本是主要的可变成本项目(81.96%),平均销售N11为624.77,平均总N8为446.22。结果还表明,猪的生产受到社会因素的影响。经济特征:生产经验,家庭规模,畜群规模,年龄和受教育程度很重要(P = .05和.01)。 Z检验还显示了农民的成本和收益之间的显着差异(P = .01)。仔猪成本高,饲料成本高,疾病暴发和仔猪死亡率高是农民面临的主要制约因素。研究建议,应该向生产者提供财政资金的协助,以使其能够有效地养猪,并扩大生产规模。



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