首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Urological Association Journal >A cost-analysis comparison of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy versus open radical prostatectomy: the McMaster Institute of Urology experience

A cost-analysis comparison of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy versus open radical prostatectomy: the McMaster Institute of Urology experience




Introduction: The objective of this study was to identify and compare the costs of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) and radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) at our centre. Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of our first 70 consecutive LRP cases and 70 consecutive RRP cases at St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. We performed cost analysis, including operating room costs, disposable instruments, blood transfusions, analgesic requirements and length of hospital stay. Overall expenses were then analyzed and compared. Results: Preoperative patient demographics and disease stages were comparable between the LRP and RRP groups. On a per procedure basis, large discrepancies were found in mean disposable instrument costs (LRP = $659.18 vs. RRP = $236.59), operating room costs (LRP = $4278.00 vs. RRP = $3139.00), mean cost of blood transfusions (LRP = $21.00 vs. RRP = $394.34), mean analgesia requirements (LRP = $12.94 vs. RRP = $41.06) and mean hospital stay bed costs (LRP = $3690.00 vs. RRP = $5027.14). Overall, costs for all patients in the LRP and RRP groups, respectively, were $606 307.29 and $618 721.57 with a cost saving of $12 414.28 in favour of the LRP arm. Conclusion: At our institution, we found that LRP costs are slightly less than those for RRP. Higher operative time and disposable instrument expenses are offset by the shorter hospital stays, fewer blood transfusions and less analgesic requirements for the LRP group. Further financial advantages for LRP will likely be achieved with additional reduction of operating room time and by minimizing disposables.
机译:简介:这项研究的目的是确定并比较我们中心的腹腔镜根治性前列腺切除术(LRP)和根治性耻骨后前列腺切除术(RRP)的费用。方法:我们在加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿的圣约瑟夫医疗保健公司对前70例连续LRP病例和70例连续RRP病例进行了回顾性图表审查。我们进行了成本分析,包括手术室成本,一次性器械,输血,镇痛要求和住院时间。然后对总费用进行了分析和比较。结果:LRP和RRP组之间的术前患者人口统计学特征和疾病分期相当。在每个程序的基础上,发现一次性器械平均成本(LRP = $ 659.18 vs. RRP = $ 236.59),手术室成本(LRP = $ 4278.00 vs. RRP = $ 3139.00),平均输血成本(LRP = $ 21.00 vs vs)存在较大差异。 RRP = 394.34美元),平均镇痛要求(LRP = 12.94美元vs. RRP = 41.06美元)和平均住院床位费用(LRP = 3690.00美元vs. RRP = 5027.14美元)。总体而言,LRP和RRP组的所有患者的费用分别为606 307.29美元和618 721.57美元,而LRP组则节省了12 414.28美元。结论:在我们的机构中​​,我们发现LRP成本略低于RRP的成本。 LRP组的住院时间缩短,输血量减少和止痛要求降低,从而抵消了手术时间和一次性仪器费用的增加。 LRP的其他财务优势将有可能通过进一步减少手术室时间并最大限度地减少一次性使用量来实现。



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