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Nutritional status of the adult population in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: the Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health Survey




A household survey was conducted to assess the nutritional status of the adult population in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the selected households, all adults (³ 20 years) had their body mass and stature measured. Body mass index (BMI) was used to determine the nutritional status according to the World Health Organization classification. The population estimates showed low prevalence of underweight (BMI < 18.5kg/m2), while 45.8% of women and 49.6% of men were overweight/obese (BMI ³ 25kg/m2). Obesity prevalence varied from 5.6% to 19.3% in men and from 9.6% to 21.3% in women, according to age. The prevalence of overweight/obesity was not associated with income (in either men and women) or schooling (in men), but there was an inverse relationship between schooling and overweight/obesity in women. The prevalence of underweight decreased with increasing mean income in the census enumeration area. The authors conclude that overweight/obesity is the most prevalent nutritional disorder in both men and women in Niterói. This pattern resembles recent results for the adult population in Southeast Brazil as a whole, where Niterói is located.
机译:进行了一项家庭调查,以评估巴西里约热内卢尼泰罗伊成年人口的营养状况。在选定的家庭中,测量所有成年人(³20岁)的体重和身高。根据世界卫生组织的分类,使用体重指数(BMI)来确定营养状况。人口估计表明,体重过轻(BMI <18.5kg / m2)的患病率较低,而超重/肥胖(BMI³25kg / m2)的女性中有45.8%,男性为49.6%。根据年龄,男性肥胖率从5.6%到19.3%不等,女性从9.6%到21.3%不等。超重/肥胖症的患病率与收入(无论男女)或受教育程度(男性)均不相关,但女性的受教育程度与超重/肥胖症之间存在反比关系。随着人口普查点平均收入的增加,体重不足的患病率下降。作者得出的结论是,超重/肥胖是尼泰罗伊州男性和女性中最普遍的营养失调。这种模式类似于最近对尼泰罗伊所处的巴西东南部成年人口的调查结果。



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