首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >Avalia??o da aten??o à saúde através da investiga??o de óbitos infantis

Avalia??o da aten??o à saúde através da investiga??o de óbitos infantis




All deaths of children under one year of age and residing in the Pau da Lima Health District, in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, during the year 1991 were investigated through home visits and analysis of patient files. The study measured effectiveness of health services by verifying potentially avoidable deaths and the level of medical care these children received. More than half of the total of 47 deaths were related to causes considered amenable to prompt action by health services; 10 (21.3%) of the deaths occurred at home or in public (outside of health care facilities). Loss of information occurred in 36 (76.6%) of the mother's interviews, related to incomplete information on the death certificate and to changes of address. Analysis of patient files in the health clinics showed a 58.3% loss of information, indicating low-quality organization of hospital statistics; there was a prevalence of consultations classified as inadequate or barely adequate, due mainly to problems with physical examination and treatment. Despite this study's operational limitations, the results point to problems of access, effectiveness, and adequacy in the health care process.
机译:通过家庭访问和对患者档案进行分析,调查了1991年在巴西巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多市波城利马健康区居住的所有1岁以下儿童的死亡情况。该研究通过验证潜在的可避免的死亡以及这些儿童获得的医疗服务水平来衡量卫生服务的有效性。在47例死亡总数中,有一半以上与卫生服务部门认为应立即采取行动的原因有关; 10例(21.3%)死亡发生在家庭或公共场所(卫生保健机构之外)。母亲的访谈中有36例(76.6%)丢失了信息,这与死亡证明的信息不完整以及住所变更有关。卫生诊所对患者档案的分析显示,信息丢失了58.3%,表明医院统计信息的组织质量不高;主要由于体格检查和治疗方面的问题,普遍存在被归类为不充分或勉强充分的协商的情况。尽管这项研究存在操作上的局限性,但结果仍指出了医疗保健过程中获取,有效性和充分性方面的问题。


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