首页> 外文期刊>Cadernos de Saúde Pública >A salutogenic approach to oral health promotion

A salutogenic approach to oral health promotion




Theoretical frameworks on health promotion focusing on social determinants of oral health have highlighted promising approaches for improving the oral health of populations and reducing inequities in oral health. In the last two decades the salutogenic theory has gained ground in the field of health promotion, but not in oral health promotion. Instead of focusing on risk factors and behavior change, the theory highlights the importance of resources and the ability to use them. The model's central construct, sense of coherence (SOC), suggests explanations of the relationship between life stressors and health status. The stronger the SOC, the more successfully people will cope with stressors and thus maintain their health. This paper discusses the potential of the salutogenic theory to guide the development of actions in the five fields of oral health promotion: creating supportive environments; promoting health through public policy; strengthening community action; developing personal skills; and reorienting health services. The theory can serve as a framework for oral health promotion measures that strengthen the available resources, create better ones, and enable people to identify and benefit from them.
机译:关于促进口腔健康的社会决定因素的健康促进理论框架突出了改善人口口腔健康和减少口腔健康不平等的有前途的方法。在过去的二十年中,致健康理论在健康促进领域得到了发展,但在口腔健康促进方面却没有。该理论没有关注风险因素和行为变化,而是着重强调了资源的重要性及其使用能力。该模型的核心结构是连贯感(SOC),可以解释生活压力源与健康状况之间的关系。 SOC越强,人们越能成功应对压力源,从而保持健康。本文讨论了有益健康的理论在指导口腔健康促进五个领域中的行动发展方面的潜力:创造支持性环境;促进口腔健康。通过公共政策促进健康;加强社区行动;发展个人技能;调整医疗服务的方向。该理论可以用作促进口腔健康措施的框架,这些措施可以增强现有资源,创造更好的资源,并使人们能够识别并从中受益。



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