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Modeling nitrogen loading in a small watershed in southwest China using a DNDC model with hydrological enhancements




The degradation of water quality has been observed worldwide, and inputs ofnitrogen (N), along with other nutrients, play a key role in the process ofcontamination. The quantification of N loading from non-point sources at awatershed scale has long been a challenge. Process-based models have beendeveloped to address this problem. Because N loading from non-point sourcesresult from interactions between biogeochemical and hydrological processes,a model framework must include both types of processes if it is to beuseful. This paper reports the results of a study in which we integrated twofundamental hydrologic features, the SCS (Soil Conservation Service) curvefunction and the MUSLE (Modified Universal Soil Loss), into a biogeochemicalmodel, the DNDC. The SCS curve equation and the MUSLE are widely used inhydrological models for calculating surface runoff and soil erosion.Equipped with the new added hydrologic features, DNDC was substantiallyenhanced with the new capacity of simulating both vertical and horizontalmovements of water and N at a watershed scale. A long-term experimentalwatershed in Southwest China was selected to test the new version of theDNDC. The target watershed's 35.1 ha of territory encompass 19.3 ha ofcroplands, 11.0 ha of forest lands, 1.1 ha of grassplots, and 3.7 ha ofresidential areas. An input database containing topographic data,meteorological conditions, soil properties, vegetation information, andmanagement applications was established and linked to the enhanced DNDC.Driven by the input database, the DNDC simulated the surface runoff flow,the subsurface leaching flow, the soil erosion, and the N loadings from thetarget watershed. The modeled water flow, sediment yield, and N loading fromthe entire watershed were compared with observations from the watershed andyielded encouraging results. The sources of N loading were identified byusing the results of the model. In 2008, the modeled runoff-induced loss oftotal N from the watershed was 904 kg N yr?1, of which approximately67 % came from the croplands. The enhanced DNDC model also estimated thewatershed-scale N losses (1391 kg N yr?1) from the emissions of theN-containing gases (ammonia, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, and dinitrogen).Ammonia volatilization (1299 kg N yr?1) dominated the gaseous Nlosses. The study indicated that process-based biogeochemical models such asthe DNDC could contribute more effectively to watershed N loading studies ifthe hydrological components of the models were appropriately enhanced.
机译:在全世界范围内都观察到水质的下降,氮(N)的输入以及其他养分在污染过程中起着关键作用。长期以来,定量分析来自非点源的非点源氮素负荷一直是一个挑战。已经开发了基于过程的模型来解决此问题。由于非点源的氮负荷是由生物地球化学过程和水文过程之间的相互作用引起的,因此,如果要使模型框架有用,则必须同时包括两种过程。本文报告了一项研究结果,在该研究中,我们将两个基本的水文特征(SCS(土壤保护服务)曲线函数和MUSLE(修正的全球土壤流失))整合到了生物地球化学模型DNDC中。 SCS曲线方程和MUSLE被广泛用于计算地表径流和土壤侵蚀的水文模型.DNDC具有新增的水文特征,大大增强了DNDC的新能力,可以在分水岭范围内模拟水和氮的垂直和水平运动。选择了中国西南地区的一个长期实验分水岭来测试新版DNDC。目标流域的35.1公顷土地包括19.3公顷的耕地,11.0公顷的林地,1.1公顷的草场和3.7公顷的居民区。建立了一个包含地形数据,气象条件,土壤特性,植被信息和管理应用程序的输入数据库,并将其与增强的DNDC链接。在输入数据库的驱动下,DNDC模拟了地表径流,地下淋溶流,土壤侵蚀,和目标分水岭的N负荷。将整个流域的模拟水流量,沉积物产量和氮负荷与流域的观测结果进行了比较,得出了令人鼓舞的结果。利用模型结果确定了氮负荷的来源。 2008年,模拟的径流引起的流域总氮损失为904 kg N yr ?1 ,其中约67%来自农田。增强的DNDC模型还通过排放含氮气体(氨,一氧化二氮,一氧化氮和二氮)估算了流域尺度的氮损失(1391 kg N yr ?1 )。气态Nloss占1299 kg N yr ?1 )。研究表明,如果适当增强模型的水文成分,基于过程的生物地球化学模型(例如DNDC)可以更有效地帮助流域氮负荷研究。



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