首页> 外文期刊>Biogeosciences >Continuous and discontinuous variation in ecosystem carbon stocks with elevation across a treeline ecotone

Continuous and discontinuous variation in ecosystem carbon stocks with elevation across a treeline ecotone




Treelines differentiate vastly contrasting ecosystems: open tundra fromclosed forest. Treeline advance has implications for the climate system dueto the impact of the transition from tundra to forest ecosystem on carbon(C) storage and albedo. Treeline advance has been seen to increaseabove-ground C stocks as low vegetation is replaced with trees but decreaseorganic soil C stocks as old carbon is decomposed. However, studiescomparing across the treeline typically do not account for elevationalvariation within the ecotone. Here we sample ecosystem C stocks along anelevational gradient (970 to 1300 m), incorporating a large-scale andlong-term livestock grazing experiment, in the southern Norwegian mountains.We investigate whether there are continuous or discontinuous changes in Cstorage across the treeline ecotone, and whether these are modulated bygrazing. We find that vegetation C stock decreases with elevation, with aclear breakpoint between the forest line and treeline above which thevegetation C stock is constant. C stocks in organic surface horizons of thesoil were higher above the treeline than in the forest, whereas C stocks inmineral soil horizons are unrelated to elevation. Total ecosystem C stocksalso showed a discontinuous elevational pattern, increasing with elevationabove the treeline (8 g m?2 per metre increase in elevation), butdecreasing with elevation below the forest line (?15 g m?2 per metreincrease in elevation), such that ecosystem C storage reaches a minimumbetween the forest line and treeline. We did not find any effect ofshort-term (12 years) grazing on the elevational patterns. Our findingsdemonstrate that patterns of C storage across the treeline are complex, andshould be taken account of when estimating ecosystem C storage with shiftingtreelines.
机译:林线将截然不同的生态系统区分开来:开放的冻原和封闭的森林。从苔原到森林生态系统的过渡对碳(C)储存和反照率的影响,林线的发展对气候系统具有影响。随着低植被被树木取代,树线前进使地面碳储量增加,但随着旧碳的分解,有机土壤碳储量减少。但是,跨树线进行的研究通常无法解释过渡带内的海拔高度变化。在这里,我们在挪威南部山区沿高海拔梯度(970至1300 m)采样了生态系统C储量,并进行了大规模的长期牲畜放牧实验,调查了整个乔木交错带的Cstorage是否连续或不连续变化,以及是否通过放牧对它们进行调制。我们发现,植被C储量随海拔升高而减少,在森林线和林线之间有明显的断点,在该断点以上植被C储量是恒定的。土壤有机表层的碳库高于林线,高于森林,而矿物层的碳库与海拔无关。生态系统碳总储量也显示出不连续的海拔格局,随树线以上的海拔升高而升高(每米海拔升高8 gm ?2 ),但随林线以下海拔升高而降低(?15 gm ?2 每升高一米),这样生态系统C的存储量达到林线和林线之间的最小值。我们没有发现短期(12年)放牧对海拔格局有任何影响。我们的发现表明跨树线的C储存模式很复杂,在用移位树线估计生态系统C储存时应予以考虑。



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