首页> 外文期刊>Caldasia >Hyphessobrycon natagaima (Characiformes: Characidae) a new species from Colombia, with a key to the Magdalena Basin Hyphessobrycon species

Hyphessobrycon natagaima (Characiformes: Characidae) a new species from Colombia, with a key to the Magdalena Basin Hyphessobrycon species

机译:Hyphessobrycon natagaima(Characiformes:Characidae)来自哥伦比亚的一种新物种,是马格达莱纳盆地Hyphessobrycon物种的关键



A new species, Hyphessobrycon natagaima, is described from the upper Magdalena River Basin in Colombia. It differs from all other species of Hyphessobrycon with a dark lateral stripe inhabiting the Magdalena River Basin: H. poecilioides, H. proteus and H. ocasoensis, by having eight to twelve pored lateral-line scales (vs. 14-26); four scales between the lateral line and the pelvic-fin insertions (vs. five or six); one tooth on the maxilla (vs. zero in H. poecilioides, and two to five in H. proteus; except H. ocasoensis, with one), a dark, interrupted, lateral stripe that is not in contact with the caudal peduncle spot (vs. absence of caudal spot in H. poecilioides, lateral stripe continued that is in contact with the caudal peduncle spot in H. ocasoensis). It has a rhomboid shaped caudal-peduncle spot that continues on to middle caudal-fin rays (vs. absence of caudal peduncle spot in H. poecilioides and caudal peduncle spot round and not continued on to middle caudal-fin rays in H. ocasoensis); and presence of hooks on all fins in mature males (vs. males with hooks on anal, pelvic and pectoral fins). Hyphessobrycon natagaima differs from H. ocasoensis, in addition to the above characters, by having four scale rows between the lateral line and the anal-fin origin (vs. six); three or four scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic-fin insertions (vs. six); ten or eleven predorsal scales (vs. nine); i,9,i dorsal-fin rays (vs. ii,8,i); 18-20 branched anal-fin rays (vs. 21-22) and eleven branched pectoral-fin rays (vs. twelve). A key for the identification of Hyphessobrycon species present in the Magdalena River Basin is provided.
机译:从哥伦比亚马格达莱纳河流域上游描述了一个新物种,Hyphessobrycon natagaima。它不同于在麦格达莱纳河流域栖息的带有深色横条纹的Hyphessobrycon的其他物种:H. poecilioides,H. proteus和H. ocasoensis,具有八到十二个有孔的横线鳞片(14-26节);在侧线和骨盆鳍插入之间有四个刻度(相对于五个或六个);上颌骨上有一颗牙齿(H. poecilioides中为零,H。proteus中为二至五;除了H. ocasoensis,还有一颗),一条暗的,间断的侧条纹,不与尾柄斑点接触(相对于在poecilioides中没有尾斑,与H. ocasoensis的尾柄斑点相接触的侧条纹仍在继续)。它有一个菱形的尾柄斑点,持续到中间尾鳍射线(相对于H. poecilioides和尾柄斑点圆没有尾柄斑点,而在H. ocasoensis中不继续到中间尾鳍射线) ;并且在成年雄性的所有鳍上都带有钩子(与在肛门,骨盆和胸鳍上带有钩子的雄性相比)。除上述特征外,Hyphessobrycon natagaima不同于H. ocasoensis,在侧线和肛门鳍起源之间有四个刻度行(vs. 6)。在侧线和骨盆鳍插入之间有三或四个刻度行(相对于六个);十个或十一个前背量表(vs. 9); i,9,i背鳍射线(vs.ii,8,i); 18-20条分支的肛门鳍鳍射线(vs. 21-22)和11条分支的胸鳍鳍射线(vs. 12)。提供了鉴定马格达莱纳河流域中存在的菊苣属物种的关键。



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