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Integration of remote sensing data and surface observations to estimate the impact of the Russian wildfires over Europe and Asia during August 2010




A series of wildfires broke out in Western Russia starting in late July of2010. Harmful particulates and gases released into the local Russianatmosphere have been reported, as have possible negative consequences forthe global atmosphere. In this study, an extremely hazy area and itstransport trajectory on Russian wildfires were analysed using aerosoloptical depth (AOD) images retrieved via the synergy method from ModerateResolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. In addition, we usedtrace gases (NO2 and SO2) and CO2 products measured usingOzone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) data, vertical distribution of AOD dataretrieved from Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder SatelliteObservation (CALIPSO) data, the mass trajectory analyses, synoptic maps froma HYSPLIT model simulation and ground-based data, including AERONET (bothAOD and ?ngstr?m exponent) data and PM2.5. First, an OptimalSmoothing (OS) scheme was used to develop more precise and reliable AOD databased on multiple competing predictions made using several AOD retrievalmodels; then, integrated AOD and PM2.5 data were related using achemical transport model (GEOS-Chem), and the integrated AOD and visibilitydata were related using the 6S radiative transfer code. The results showthat the PM2.5 concentration is enhanced by a factor of 3–5 asdetermined from both satellite and in situ observations with peak daily meanconcentrations of approximately 500 μg m3. Also, the visibility in manyparts of Russia, for instance in Moscow, was less than 100 m; in some areas,the visibility was less than 50 m. Additionally, the possible impact onneighbouring countries due to long-transport was analysed for 31 Julyand 15 August 2010. A comparison of the satellite aerosol productsand ground observations from the neighbouring countries suggests thatwildfires in Western Russian had little impact on most european and asiancountries, the exceptions being Finland, Estonia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.However, a possible impact on the Arctic region was identified; such aneffect would have a serious influence on the polar atmospheric enviroment,and on animals such as polar bears.
机译:从2010年7月下旬开始,在俄罗斯西部爆发了一系列野火。据报道,有害的颗粒物和气体释放到俄罗斯当地大气中,可能会对全球大气造成负面影响。在这项研究中,使用通过协同方法从中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)数据检索的气溶胶深度(AOD)图像分析了俄罗斯野火上的一个非常朦胧的区域及其运输轨迹。此外,我们使用了使用臭氧监测仪器(OMI)数据测量的痕量气体(NO 2 和SO 2 )和CO 2 产品,从云气溶胶激光雷达和红外探路者卫星观测(CALIPSO)数据中检索到的AOD数据,质量轨迹分析,HYSPLIT模型模拟的天气图和基于地面的数据,包括AERONET(AOD和fngstr?m指数)数据和PM 2.5 。首先,使用OptimalSmoothing(OS)方案来开发更精确和可靠的AOD,该数据库基于使用多个AOD检索模型做出的多个竞争性预测得出;然后,使用化学迁移模型(GEOS-Chem)将AOD和PM 2.5 的综合数据进行关联,并使用6S辐射转移码将AOD和能见度的综合数据进行关联。结果表明,根据卫星和现场观测确定的PM 2.5 浓度提高了3-5倍,峰值日平均浓度约为500μgm 3 。另外,在俄罗斯许多地方,例如在莫斯科,能见度不到100 m;在某些地区,能见度不到50 m。此外,分析了2010年7月31日至8月15日由于长途运输对邻国的可能影响。对卫星气溶胶产品和邻国的地面观测结果的比较表明,西方俄罗斯的野火对大多数欧洲和亚洲国家几乎没有影响分别是芬兰,爱沙尼亚,乌克兰和吉尔吉斯斯坦。但是,已确定可能对北极地区产生影响;这种影响将严重影响极地大气环境和北极熊等动物。



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