




Osler was once called from Baltimore to see one of his students ill with typhoid fever. He found his wav to a planter's house in Virginia. It was an old derelict shadow of its former splendour, with broken shutters and gates off their hinges. The grandfather (for the boy was an orphan) turned every convertible thing into drink. After seeing the lad Osler had to wait all day for the night train back to Baltimore. So he found his way to the library and browsed aroun(d the shelves. Presently the granddaughter, a charming intelligent girl of eighteen, came in and said: "If you're interested in old books, we've got some much older than these in the attics." There he found stuffed into barrels priceless first editions including Bvron, Shelley, and Keat's (Endymion and Lamia "in blue wrapers"). The volumes comprised practically the whole early history of the house of John Murray. These were the yearly consignments of books which wealthy planters were wont to order from England. Osler told the girl of their great wealth. She, with tears in her eyes, begged him to say nothing to the grandfather, as he would sell them for drink. Eventually, through Osler's good offices, Putman's bought the books at so fair a price that the old home was restored and the family fortunes comfortably re-established.
机译:奥斯勒曾从巴尔的摩被叫去看他的一名伤寒患者。他发现自己的水钻到弗吉尼亚的一个种植园。这是昔日辉煌的古老残影,百叶窗破损,铰链关上了大门。祖父(因为男孩是个孤儿)把所有可兑换的东西都变成了饮料。看到小伙子奥斯勒(Osler)必须整天等着返回巴尔的摩的夜班车。因此,他找到了去图书馆的路,在书架上四处逛逛。目前,一位18岁的聪明女孩的孙女进来说:“如果您对旧书感兴趣,我们的年龄比他在那里发现了无价的第一版,其中包括Bvron,Shelley和Keat's(Endymion和Lamia的“蓝色包装纸”)。这些书卷实际上构成了约翰·穆雷(John Murray)房子的整个早期历史。每年都会有一批大书不卖给富裕的种植园主,他们从英国订购。奥斯勒告诉女孩他们的巨额财产。她含着泪水恳求他对祖父不说话,因为他会把它们卖给他们喝。通过奥斯勒(Osler)的offices旋,普特曼(Putman's)以合理的价格购买了这本书,以致老房子得以恢复,家庭财富得以舒适地重建。



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