首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Biology >Microsatellite multiplex systems for Brycon orbignyanus (Characiformes: Bryconidae)

Microsatellite multiplex systems for Brycon orbignyanus (Characiformes: Bryconidae)

机译:Brycon orbignyanus的微卫星多路复用系统(Characiformes:Bryconidae)



The Neotropical migratory (piracema) fish species Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1850), commonly known as piracanjuba, was once considered one of the most conspicuous resources for fisheries in the La Plata River Basin, the second largest in South America, but today is considered a threatened species, almost extinct in the wild (Machado et al., 2008; Oliveira et al., 2017). It suffers from several pressures such as intense hydroelectric exploitation in the basin, pollution, deforestation of riverine vegetation and introduction of species (Oliveira et al., 2017). Its omnivorous habits and fast growth curve under domestication (Sipaúba-Tavares et al., 2008; Nogueira et al., 2014) makes this fish a good candidate for the development of aquaculture programs, which could guarantee its ex situcultivation and help in situ conservation initiatives. Hatchery production of this species, targeting stocking efforts in areas affected by dam introduction, is presumed to be important in helping maintaining small population remnants in some isolated points in the basin, but this is still unaddressed in rigorous scientific studies. Such scenario brings about the importance of the development of tools for the rapid assessment of genetic diversity and structure, in order to identify the impacts over dwindling stocks and to evaluate the efficiency of fish stocking activities, in this important species.
机译:新热带mi游鱼类(Bracecon orbignyanus(Valenciennes,1850))通常被称为piracanjuba,曾经被认为是拉普拉塔河流域最引人注目的渔业资源之一,而拉普拉塔河流域是南美第二大流域,但今天被认为是濒临灭绝的濒危物种(Machado等,2008; Oliveira等,2017)。它遭受着多种压力,例如流域内大量的水力发电,污染,河流植被的砍伐和物种的引进(Oliveira et al。,2017)。它的杂食性和驯养条件下的快速生长曲线(Sipaúba-Tavares等人,2008; Nogueira等人,2014)使该鱼成为水产养殖计划发展的良好候选者,这可以保证其非原生境养殖并有助于就地保护倡议。该种的孵化场生产以在受大坝引入影响的地区进行放养为目标,据推测对帮助维持流域某些偏远地区的少量人口残留很重要,但在严格的科学研究中仍未解决。这种情况带来了开发用于快速评估遗传多样性和结构的工具的重要性,以便确定对这一重要物种的种群减少的影响并评估鱼类种群活动的效率。



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