首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Biology >The orchid-bee fauna (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of a forest remnant in the southern portion of the Brazilian Amazon

The orchid-bee fauna (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of a forest remnant in the southern portion of the Brazilian Amazon




The orchid-bee fauna of the region of Porto Velho, in the state of Rond?nia, Brazil, close to the southernmost limits of the Amazon Basin, was surveyed for the first time using five different scents as baits to attract orchid-bee males. Five hundred and twenty-one males belonging to five genera and 29 species were collected with bait traps during 26 non-consecutive days from November, 2011 to January, 2012. Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 and Eulaema meriana (Olivier, 1789) were the most common species in the region and, together, represented almost 50% of all collected bees. Although the observed richness conforms to similar inventories in the region, the diversity (H′= 2.43) found in the present study is one of the highest ever recorded for orchid bees in the Amazon Basin.
机译:首次使用五种不同的气味作为诱饵吸引巴西朗德尼亚州Porto Velho地区的兰花蜂动物区系,该地区靠近亚马逊盆地的最南端。 。在2011年11月至2012年1月的连续26天内,共用诱饵陷阱收集了5个属29种的512个雄性。该地区的常见物种,几乎占所有采集蜜蜂的50%。尽管观测到的丰富度与该地区的类似清单相符,但本研究中发现的多样性(H'= 2.43)是亚马逊盆地有记录以来最高的兰花蜂之一。



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