首页> 外文期刊>Brazilian Journal of Biology >Abundance and spatial-temporal distribution of the shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Decapoda: Penaeidae): an exploited species in southeast Brazil

Abundance and spatial-temporal distribution of the shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Decapoda: Penaeidae): an exploited species in southeast Brazil




This study evaluated the abundance and spatial-temporal distribution of the shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri in the coastal region of Maca??, state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Monthly samples were obtained from March 2008 to February 2010 in six stations located in Inner (5, 10 and 15m depth) and Outer (25, 35 and 45m depth) areas. It was used a commercial fishery boat equipped with an otter-trawl net (3.5 m mouth width, mesh size 20mm and 15mm in the cod end). Water samples were taken for determination of temperature and salinity, and sediment samples for determination of texture and organic matter content. A total of 7146 shrimps were sampled. About 95% of all shrimps were caught in the shallow area, i.e., depths <20m. Greatest abundances were recorded in winter and spring. No significant correlation was observed between sediment (phi) and abundance. The distribution of X. kroyeri in the studied area was closely related to seasonal cold waterfront of the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) and temperature was the main factor affecting the species abundance.
机译:这项研究评估了巴西东南部里约热内卢州Maca ??沿海地区虾对虾的丰度和时空分布。从2008年3月至2010年2月,在位于内部(深度5、10和15m的区域)和外部(深度25、35和45m的区域)的六个站点中获取了月度样本。它被用于装备有水獭拖网的商业捕鱼船(3.5 m口宽,网眼尺寸20mm,鳕鱼端15mm)。取水样测定温度和盐度,取沉淀物样测定质地和有机物含量。总共采样了7146只虾。大约95%的虾被捕获在浅海区域,即<20m的深度。冬季和春季记录到最大的丰度。沉积物(phi)和丰度之间没有发现显着的相关性。 X. kroyeri在该研究区的分布与南大西洋中央水域(SACW)的季节性冷滨水区密切相关,温度是影响物种丰富度的主要因素。



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