首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of marine science >Stony coral (Milleporidae and Scleractinia) communities in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: a synopsis with insights from the Hourglass collections

Stony coral (Milleporidae and Scleractinia) communities in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: a synopsis with insights from the Hourglass collections




The eastern Gulf of Mexico is a complex mosaic of coral reefs and epibenthic communities. Although it is a large area of approximately 225,000 km2, only a small portion sustains viable coral reefs. In the lower margins of the eastern Gulf of Mexico (Key West to Dry Tortugas, 24°33′N), the coral reef communities are speciose and very similar to Caribbean coral reefs. Controlling factors influencing the distribution of the hydrozoan Millepora and Scleractinian species include climate, the lack of a consistent current system to support larval transport, and stochastic disturbances, such as red tide–harmful algal blooms, hurricanes, and winter frontal passages. In the eastern Gulf of Mexico region north of 26°N (Naples), the fauna is more eurytopic; characteristic species inhabiting the rocky hard bottom include Cladocora arbuscula (Lesueur, 1820), Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766), Solenastrea hyades (Dana, 1846), Manicina areolata (Linnaeus, 1758), and Isophyllia sinuosa (Ellis and Solander, 1786). Isolated locations, such as the Florida Middle Grounds and Pulley Ridge, sustain the more reef-dwelling-stenotopic species: Leptoseris cuccullata (Ellis and Solander, 1786); Dichocoenia stokesi Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1848; and Meandrina meandrites (Linnaeus, 1758). The present study focuses on the Hourglass collection of Scleractinian coral samples collected from August 1965 through November 1967 in the eastern Gulf of Mexico offshore of Tampa Bay (27°35′N) and Sanibel Island (26°24′N), from 6 to 73 m depths.
机译:墨西哥湾东部是珊瑚礁和表生动物群落的复杂马赛克。尽管面积约为225,000平方公里,但只有一小部分维持着可行的珊瑚礁。在墨西哥湾东部较低的边缘(西至干Tortugas的基韦,北纬24°33′),珊瑚礁群落非常特殊,与加勒比珊瑚礁非常相似。影响水生Millenpora和Scleractinian物种分布的控制因素包括气候,缺乏一致的现行系统来支持幼体运输以及随机干扰,例如赤潮危害藻类的大量繁殖,飓风和冬季额叶过境。在墨西哥湾东部地区,北纬26°(那不勒斯)以北,该动物具有更多的欧洲主题。居住在坚硬岩石底部的典型物种包括Cladocora arbuscula(Lesueur,1820),Siderastrea radians(Pallas,1766),Solenastrea hyades(Dana,1846),Manicina areolata(Linnaeus,1758)和Isophyllia sinuosa(Ellis and Solander,1786)。 。诸如佛罗里达中部地带和滑轮岭等偏僻的地方维持着更多的居住在珊瑚礁中的异位物种:Leptoseris cuccullata(Ellis and Solander,1786);猪蹄白斑病(Dchocoenia stokesi)Milne-Edwards和Haime,1848年;和Meandrina杂种(Linnaeus,1758)。本研究的重点是从1965年8月至1967年11月在坦帕湾(北纬27°35′N)和萨尼贝尔岛(北纬26°24′)墨西哥湾东岸采集的Scleractinian珊瑚样品的沙漏收集,时间为6至73 m的深度。



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